10. “It’s so hot, I just killed a guy for asking, ‘Hot enough for ya?’.”
9. “It’s so hot, Mel Gibson actually appreciates the cold shoulder his ex-girlfriend is giving him.”
8. “It’s so hot, the cows are giving evaporated milk.”
7. “It’s so hot, my car’s GPS lady keeps directing me towards Canada.”
6. “It’s so hot, Amy Winehouse tested positive for Slurpees.”
5. “It’s so hot, the fish are sweating.”
4. “It’s so hot, I saw a squirrel handling his nuts with tongs.”
3. “It’s so hot, President Obama’s motorcade was spotted outside a Dairy Queen.”
2. “It’s so hot, Dick Cheney was caught waterboarding himself.”
1. “It’s so hot, Lindsay Lohan said she was actually looking forward to spending some time in the ‘cooler’.”
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, ends & odd, environment & nature by Bob Sullivan
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