Entries Tagged as 'Bob Sullivan’s top ten everything'

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingends & odd

Clarence Thomas’s top ten excuses for not speaking at a Supreme Court hearing in over five years

10. He’s still too upset that he never received any endorsement money from the Coca-Cola people

9. He tried talking once, but Scalia was drinking a glass of water at the same time and Scalia’s not that talented

8. He took Thurgood Marshall’s seat, and he knows if he opens his mouth, the contrast will be too disheartening

7. He refuses to say anything until Anita Hill apologizes

6. Five years ago, Thomas and Kennedy said the word “jurisprudence” at the same time, Kennedy shouted “Jinx!”…and nobody has spoken Thomas’s name since

5. He’s studying to be a mime (though some people might be insulted if they see him wearing whiteface)

4. He’s obsessed by the pubic hairs he can spot all over that big table they sit at

3. After failing to mention on his Supreme Court financial disclosure forms that his wife earned $686,589 from the conservative Heritage Foundation, he thought, “Who am I to judge?”

2. He finds all that power a turn-on, and he’s afraid, if he talks, people might notice his robe is tenting

1. He’s saving all his best rhetoric for the scheduled Supreme Court obscenity case U. S. v. Long Dong Silver

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

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Top ten things overheard at last night’s Academy Awards

10. “I hope Inception wins for Best Brain Cramp.”

9. “Only three hours to go?! Man, this show is just zippin’ by!”

8. “Best Picture? – Hah! My favorite is Best Sound Mixing!”

7. “What about Sex & the City 2? Or are they just giving prizes for good stuff?”

6. “I never realized that the Oscar is just chocolate wrapped in tinfoil.”

5. “I hope Jeff Bridges wins Best John Wayne Impression.”

4. “Crap! Justin Bieber: Never Say Never won’t be eligible until next year!”

3. “If 127 Hours wins, how’s that guy gonna clap?”

2. “Isn’t Lindsay Lohan up for Best Special Defects?”

1. “I thought The King’s Speech was about that whole ‘I have a dream’ thing.”

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingends & odd

Top ten signs you had a bad Valentine’s Day

10. The only person who saw you naked was the TSA screener

9. You had to eat at home, because of your date’s ankle bracelet

8. Charlie Sheen made you take a number

7. You found out your date “Stephanie” was really “Stephen”

6. The restaurant you went to was determined by the best coupon he had

5. Your ‘date’ was really a Señor Wences-style puppet drawn on your right hand

4. Your boyfriend’s promise of a seven-course meal turned out to be a bowl of corn chips and a six pack

3. Instead of not having sex, you didn’t have sex three times!

2. Because your date gave you “something special” for Valentine’s Day, you’re now taking Valtrex

1. Your husband thought it would be a good time to tell you about his ‘bromance’

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingends & odd

Top ten favorite lines for a Valentine’s Day poem

10. Although this sonnet’s only ten lines long,

9. And not a sonnet’s needed full fourteen,

8. To call this poem a sonnet would be wrong.

7. So this poem’s dedicated to Maureen.

6. I Love your kindness, wittiness, and grace.

5. I Love the fire burning in your soul.

4. I Love your gorgeous body, lovely face.

3. When we’re together, I at last feel whole.

2. We’ll share Eternal Love, us One together.

1. Or, at the very least, forever endeavor.

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

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Top ten Steelers excuses for losing Super Bowl XLV

10. Players unsettled by Brett Favre constantly sexting them

9. Under the mistaken impression there was going to be a fifth quarter

8. Players constantly getting creeped out by their weird-looking mascot, Steely McBeam

7. Never recovered from the disappointment of Christina Aguilera singing “The National Anthem” instead of “Genie in a Bottle”

6. Going in, they didn’t realize it was a contact sport with lots of pushing and shoving

5. Players crestfallen they weren’t up against the Chicago Bears; they really wanted to meet Obama

4. With no cheerleaders, team was unsure whether or not they should “Push ’em back, shove ’em back, way back!”

3. Players were so excited about seeing The Black Eyed Peas, they completely lost their focus

2. Thought, with six games to go, there was still plenty of time to win the series

1. Players creeped out by Rex Ryan constantly texting them asking if they want to play footsie

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingends & odd

Top ten answers to the question, “How cold is it?”

10. It’s so cold, Lady Gaga’s charbroiling her meat dress before putting it on

9. It’s so cold, opticians at LensCrafters are giving away free ice scrapers with every new pair of glasses

8. It’s so cold, TSA agents are required to put on mittens before fondling you

7. It’s so cold, the Statue of Liberty decided to hold her torch under her robe

6. It’s so cold, Miley Cyrus is lighting her bong just for the warmth

5. It’s so cold, Charlie Rangel was spotted with his hands in his own pockets

4. It’s so cold, yesterday I chipped a tooth on my Cup-a-Soup

3. It’s so cold, Al Gore recently came out in favor of global warming

2. It’s so cold, Glenn Beck has requested he be sent to Hell earlier than scheduled

1. It’s so cold, Brett Favre is just describing his junk to women

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

art & entertainmentBob Sullivan's top ten everything

Top ten new programs on OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network

10. “Oprahsourced”

9. “Gayle King and I”

8. “Saturday Night Oprah”

7. “America’s Got Oprah”

6. “Extreme Makeoprah: Home Edition”

5. “Dr. Phil’s Crap-a-Thon”

4. “$#*! Oprah Says”

3. “The Bold and the Oprah”

2. “The Stedman from Atlantis”

1. “The Story of O”

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

black helicopter watchBob Sullivan's top ten everything

Top ten other claims by Sarah Palin’s aides, who claim those weren’t bull’s-eyes on her website map, but surveyor’s symbols

10. When Sarah Palin said U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords should be “targeted,” she meant targeted with a surveyor’s scope

9. Sarah Palin used the term “blood libel” in a completely non-Jewish Christian context, referring to people who claim that wine in church isn’t really the blood of Christ

8. When Byron Williams, who got into a gunfight with police trying to attack members of the Tides Foundation in San Francisco, said he had been influenced by Glenn Beck, he really meant the singer Beck (“Odelay”)

7. When Sarah Palin complained that the shooting in Arizona had been unfairly politicized, then suggested that the gunman was perhaps a “left-leaning criminal,” she meant one of his legs was shorter than the other

6. When the mother of Gregory Lee Giusti, who was convicted of threatening former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, blamed Fox News, she actually meant the news that Redd Foxx had died

4. Tea Partier Sharron Angle’s suggestion of “Second Amendment solutions” for an out-of-control Congress was a misquote; she actually referenced the Fifteenth and Nineteenth Amendments

3. Sarah Palin’s use of the phrase “don’t retreat, reload” was a reference to wash loads

2. When a relative of Charles Wilson, who was convicted of threatening Sen. Patty Murray, said he was “under the spell that Glenn Beck cast,” he really meant he’d been drinking Beck’s beer.

1. Whenever Sarah Palin uses the term ‘Democrats,’ she of course means ‘shitheads who should be taken out’

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingpolitics & government

Sarah Palin’s top ten excuses for having bull’s-eyes on her website targeting key Democrats, including U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords

10. “I’m a Tea Partier. By definition, we don’t like thinking things through.”

9. “The NRA told me it would be okay.”

8. “It’s not like I was targeting Republicans!”

7. “I can’t be responsible for every crazy person out there, just myself.”

6. “It was a joke!”

5. “I’m a mama grizzly, and I believe in the Constitutional right to arm bears!”

4. “Guns don’t kill people; bullets do. Guns just make ’em go real fast.”

3. “I have an endorsement deal with the Target retail stores.”

2. “Thinkin’ gives me a headache.”

1. “I’m a heartless bitch with no regard for human life — unless it’s a fetus.”

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

adviceBob Sullivan's top ten everything

Top ten signs your new year is off to a bad start

10. You’re just waking up from your 2009 New Year’s Eve party

9. For Dancing With the Stars, you bet your life’s savings on Michael Bolton

8. Both your cholesterol and your children are way too high

7. When the airport’s full-body scanner tried to scan you, the screen cracked

6. You’re still Bernie Madoff

5. You’ve started a brand new week by reading a lame Top Ten list

4. For Christmas, your wife gave you that new STD iPhone app

3. You’re a Democrat

2. You’re not in the top two percent wealthiest Americans

1. You have a pre-existing condition

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

adviceBob Sullivan's top ten everything

Top ten signs you drank too much on New Year’s

10. During your physical, they found traces of blood in your alcohol

9. At AA meetings you begin: “Hi, my name is… uh…Wait, I know this as well as I know my own name….‘Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday, dearrrrr…’”

8. You keep claiming you’re “as jober as a sudge”

7. You make Lindsay Lohan look like Susan Boyle

6. The room is spinning faster than a hamster wheel

5. You’re wondering how you wound up with a chest tattoo of Cloris Leachman

4. You have toilet seat bruises all over the back of your head

3. Your idea of cutting back is less salt on the rim of your Margarita glass

2. You keep falling off the floor

1. You think Sarah Palin would make a great President

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingtelevision

Top ten least watched holiday specials

10. The Generic Holiday Special

9. Gift Wrapping With the Stars

8. A Charlie Brownstein Hanukkah

7. Egg Nog at the Jersey Shore

6. Justin Bieber Away in a Manger

5. Frosty the Puddle: The Global Warming Show

4. How the Grinch Stole Our Retirement Funds

3. When Reindeer Attack

2. I Saw Ricky Martin Kissing Santa Claus

1. Sarah Palin’s It’s A Marvelful Life

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingends & odd

Top ten most dangerous holiday toys

10. Sharp Objects Potpourri

9. Mr. Wizard’s Home Liposuction Kit

8. Rock ’Em Sock ’Em Pitbulls

7. Lady Gaga Meat Playdress

6. The Highway Trampoline

5. Mattel’s Choking Hazard

4. The Sarah Palin Wind-Up Mama Grizzly

3. Baby’s First Self-Inoculation Kit

2. Owie! – The Jump-Off-The-Roof Game

1. The Underwear Bomber Blow-Up Doll

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingpolitics & government

Top ten ways the world would be different if the numbers 1 through 9 never existed

10. Sarah Palin would be the tenth worst choice to elect President of the United States

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingbooks & writing

Sarah Palin’s top ten made-up words

10. refudiate

9. handinotes

8. hypocriticizer

7. evoludiculous

6. governoresigner

5. tea-parfection

4. mamagrizzly-fication

3. abstinonsense

2. Obomination

1. youbetcha-rific

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

art & entertainmentBob Sullivan's top ten everything

Top ten signs Sylvester Stallone is too old to be making action flicks

10. In The Expendables he wore an orthopedic beret

9. He keeps looking for the ‘mute’ button on his machine gun

8. He rides into battle on a Rascal scooter

7. His ‘reinforcements’ are a big bag of prunes

6. That headband in the latest Rambo was to help keep his wig in place

5. His stunt double is Eli Wallach

4. Instead of raw eggs, he’s gulping down Metamucil

3. Now, instead of bounding up the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum, he uses the wheelchair ramp

2. His latest love interest was played by Betty White

1. To help him lift his gun, he’s been taking Viagra

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythinghealth & medical

Top ten signs you’ve eaten too much on Thanksgiving

10. You’re mistaken for a runaway Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloon

9. You had to let out your shower curtain

8. At the beach, compassionate surfers keep trying to push you back in the ocean

7. This morning, the display on your bathroom scale read “Holy crap!”

6. You’re constantly asked what circus you work for

5. Your bellybutton suddenly popped out like one of those turkey thermometers

4. You’re sweating yams

3. NASA is planning to launch a rocket in the hopes of photographing the other side of you

2. So far, twelve people have referred to you as “Mr. Limbaugh”

1. Whenever anyone says, “Please pass the Butterball,” somebody grabs you

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingdrugs & alcohol

Top ten excuses of the Seattle man arrested for trying to have sex with his car

10. Everybody knows how much men love their cars!

9. He was very confused about the term ‘carjacking’

8. He swears the headlights kept winking at him

7. Seriously, Dude, have you ever even seen a Maserati Bora?!

6. PCP and Jack Daniels don’t mix

5. He was parked on Lover’s Lane, and one thing led to another

4. No way could he resist that junk in the trunk!

3. The new car smell really turned him on

2. He thought it would be fun to impale an Impala

1. When he told his friends how lonely he was, they suggested autoeroticism

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingbooks & writing

Top ten suggested titles for Bush’s memoir, coming out tomorrow

10. My Misunderestimated Life

9. What’s Posterity Ever Done for Me?

8. I Always Thought It Was Spelt ‘Nucular’

7. How High, Mr. Cheney?

6. Presidenting Can Be Torturous

5. Is Our Children Learning?

4. Pretzels—America’s Silent Killer

3. Fool Me Once

2. The Audacity of Dope

1. The No-Brainer

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

Bob Sullivan's top ten everythingmovies

Top ten surprises in the upcoming Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part I

10. Harry admits he learned all his magic tricks from a book advertised on the back cover of a Superman comic

9. Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger inadvertently discover each other’s charms

8. Harry is permanently banned from induction into the Quidditch Hall of Fame amid allegations of sports betting

7. Harry’s latest supernatural power: levitating his pants

6. Short of cash, Ron is arrested for shoplifting a newt

5. Harry dies at the end, making Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II a real challenge

4. After perfecting the art of Divination, Harry makes a fortune on the Powerball lottery

3. Harry gets expelled when Albus Dumbledore catches him polishing his wand

2. Hogwarts’ head witch is Senate Republican nominee Christine O’Donnell of Delaware

1. O’Donnell is morally outraged by that ‘wand’ allegation

Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

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