Entries Tagged as 'Lauren Likes TV'


Lauren Likes TV: Melrose Place bites off… Melrose Place

When I first heard about the new Melrose Place… wait, let me rewind back a year. When I first heard about the new 90210 last year, I partly rolled my eyes and partly got very excited. Finding out that The CW was recreating the best show ever wasn’t the best news ever, but then I thought about the potential of a new OC-ish show entering my life with the possibility of cameos from the 90’s original cast and I began to change my mind. Excitement grew… and then the show started. [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: Deuces for Chima

Chima is a big, f*ckin’ brat. How many people would kill to be on Big Brother? I’m pretty sure I would. Jeff used his wizard power and overturned Chima’s HOH nominations so she decided to act like a spoiled, bratty sore loser and break all of the Big Bro rules. Awww, your power was taken away, boo hoo. And can we discuss how she looks exactly like a Bratz doll? [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: I know, I’m slackin’…

I’ve received a few messages about my lack of posts this summer and all I have to say is… I’m sorry! I’ve been summer busy and with the lack of scripted television and abundance of reality television, if you don’t watch the episode and write about it the night it airs, you fall behind. I was able to keep up with The Bachelorette because let’s be honest, it aired on Monday and I’m not that much fun. But I certainly have not been keeping close tabs on summer favorites such as Big Brother and So You Think You Can Dance. It doesn’t mean I’m not watching… so here’s what got me excited over the past few weeks: [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: Jillian’s shocking decision…

Ed. Surprise, surprise. Can you sense the sarcasm? Last night’s Bachelorette finale confirmed a few things for me:

1) Jillian Harris is THE worst kisser on the face of the Earth.

2) We know what Jillian is going to look like in 50 years… her Grandmother.

3) I thought I had seen Ed’s balls the first time he wore the shnorty shnorts. I definitely saw them last night.

4) Ed has a tank top to match his shnorts.

5) The Bachelorette is the most predictable show ever made and a complete waste of my time. [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: Ellen nailed it

Last night, I left NY and made my way to the event of all events, where anybody who’s anybody will be… San Diego Comic-Con, aka, Nerd Prom. Sweet. The best part of my journey so far? Being able to watch So You Think You Can Dance on my JetBlue flight. Not only did this entertain me for 2 hours on my 6+ hour flight, I got to enjoy it with mini bottles of water (I mean wine) and free baggies of cashews and 100 calorie Lorna Doone shortbread cookies (I mean Doritos Munchie mix and chocolate chip cookies). With no access to pause and FFW, I had to watch in full and it made me remember a few things:



Lauren likes TV: Is Jordan for reals?!

Last night’s Big Brother was shocking, NOT because of the following reasons:

1) Russell is a psycho-path and Lydia’s a big fat baby — Russell basically screamed at Lydia for no reason at all last night. That’s because he’s on steroids. But that’s no excuse for Lydia to break down into tears every time someone looks at her the wrong way. Even though you have 100 tattoos, most of which are of characters from Paul Frank and Hello Kitty, you are not tough at all. Grow a set or go home, you’re annoying everyone in America.



Lauren likes TV: What’s up with the shnorts?

My apologies for being a bit behind on this week’s The Bachelorette and Big Brother, but I spent 10 hours in the ER on Monday. I have to say, a day in the ER is not nearly as exciting as a day in the Seattle Grace ER. While my ER could’ve used a little Miranda Bailey ass-kickin’, I have to give a shout out to New York-Presbyterian. Though they diagnosed my stomach pains with absolutely nothing, they did try their hardest and were very pleasant and accommodating. Thanks, Docs!  Speaking of Grey’s Anatomy, some fabulous news came in this morning for next season… Martha Plimpton has been cast in a multi-episode storyline! “Oh come on come on where are you? You are in the clouds and we are in a basement!” Goonies never say die, Martha, and we’re glad to have you.



Lauren likes TV: Rah Rah Shish Kum Big Brother!

Big Brother (CBS) heads back to high school for season 11 and I love it. Like every other reality TV show, it usually takes a while for the people to grow on me… but not this time. I am on board with this season already. Due to the disappointing seasons of So You Think You Can Dance and The Bachelorette, I’m pretty sure Big Bro is just what I need in my life.  [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: Viva Wes and Laurel

On last night’s Bachelorette, Jillian made the decision to not spend the night with the guys she really has a connection with, which was very unslutty of her. Good for her. However, that line of mierda went to mierda once she invited Ed back to the suite for some horizontal flamenco. One-on-ones in Spain: [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: Were the families helpin’ or hurtin’?

Last night was meet-the-family night on The Bachelorette. Family night always reveals a lot about the guys and last night was no different. Sometimes the families help the guys’ chances and sometimes they hurt. Here’s how it went in my eyes… [Read more →]


Lauren likes TV: Jillian chugs along to 5

All aboard! The Bachelorette hit the tracks last night and made me want to punch a ticket for a ride. That was certainly the coolest set of dates put together “in Bachelorette history.” The breathtaking views, the first-class service, the private train cars… funny how the NYC subway looks nothing like that, especially when you’re the last one to squeeze on and the only view you have is of some woman from Queens’ hairy armpit (no offense Michael). [Read more →]

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