Top ten signs you ate too much on Thanksgiving
10. When people first meet you they say, “Lemme guess…Sumo wrestler?”
9. The super in your building just changed the sign in the elevator to read “Maximum Occupancy: 1”
8. When you get on a plane from New York to Los Angeles, it has to taxi the whole way
7. A policeman came up to you and ordered you to disperse
6. Both Ben and Jerry have friended you on Facebook
5. You just caught the flesh eating bacteria, and were given 93 years to live
4. Just like one of those turkey thermometers so you can tell when it’s done, your belly button just popped out
3. Everyone in New Jersey keeps calling you “Governor”
2. You had to sell your laptop because you no longer have a lap
1. You got winded just reading this Top Ten List
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
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