Top ten one-liners (the sequel)
10. I hate people who take things literally – they should leave them where they are.
9. Nowadays, Bill Cosby is spending most of his time on his farm, watching the chickens come home to roost.
8. Standing in the park, I was wondering why a Frisbee looks larger and larger the closer it gets, and then it hit me.
7. One of my favorite hobbies is writing “You have no new messages” on a slip of paper, sticking it in a bottle, and throwing it into the ocean.
6. Why do some women feel the need to talk so much – I mean, do they think, “Well, I’m breathing out anyway”?
5. My doctor e-mailed me asking me what my “blod type” was – he actually spelled it B.L.O.D. – so I had to e-mail him back: “Typo.”
4. A new poll about the 2016 election shows that just 27% of voters would be likely to support Chris Christie – and 4% of chairs.
3. I have a button on my microwave that says “STOP TIME,” and I’m assuming it means “TIMER,” but I’m not touching it, just in case.
2. Always remember: In this country, a white policeman who shoots an unarmed black teenager is still considered innocent – until a grand jury finds him innocent.
1. I just bought a ten-gallon bottle of Liquid Paper – Big mistake!
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.

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