Top ten new Obama scandals as reported by Fox News
10. That, at one state dinner, Obama strongly implied that the defrosted ham was actually fresh!
9. The scandal of Obama hiding something about his heritage: he’s mostly Irish
8. The disgrace of Obama once meeting heads of state wearing a clip-on
7. The fact that Obama really really wanted to call his first daughter Clinique
6. That Obama recently sanctioned killer computer worms able to zap any computer user who dare read this Top Ten list
5. Obama sinking so low as to make the ridiculous accusation that Fox News is screaming ‘scandal’ ‘scandal’ ‘scandal’ ‘scandal’ infinity-times-infinity times just in the hopes that, eventually, something might stick
4. The Smell-Of-Cigarette-Smoke-After-Midnight Scandal!
3. That, when Obama was three, he once advertently stared up a grass skirt
2. That Obama smoked so much dope in Hawaii, it has undoubtedly kept him from even greater things – than being the most powerful man on the face of the earth
1. White-After-Labor-Day-Gate
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
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