environment & nature

Pluto is a harsh mistress

Dramatis Personae
Barack Obama, President of the United States
Al Gore, Former Vice-President of the United States

GORE: Mr. President, we must send a manned mission to Pluto at once. And I graciously volunteer to head it.

OBAMA: Pluto? Why Pluto?

GORE: Have you not read? There’s global warming on Pluto!

OBAMA: Oh, my God.

GORE: We must convince the people of Pluto to destroy their economy before it’s too late. I’m even translating An Inconvenient Truth into Plutian as we speak.

OBAMA: But . . . but what if the warming is simply occurring naturally?

GORE: Denier! You’re a denier!

OBAMA: Who, me? No.

GORE: So you’ll commit the funds for the mission?

OBAMA: Just how long will you be gone?

GORE: Hundreds of light years. At least.

OBAMA: You know, I think I can scrap up the money. Something tells me even Republicans will support the idea.

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One Response to “Pluto is a harsh mistress”

  1. Republicans will support any number of Democratic ideas, as long as with their other face they can say they are unalterably opposed to them. Witness the one hundred or so GOWPP * members of Congress who have condemned the stimulus program as bad for America, but have gladly taken the money for projects in their districts and crowed about how much good it will do there. Bad for America as a whole but good for parts of it. Hmmmm.

    * Grand Old White Peoples Party

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