Top ten signs you are too old to be out trick-or-treating
10. You have to wheel an IV drip bag on a stand along with you.
9. Instead of candy, you ask for prunes.
8. Your “trick” involves taking out your dentures and then biting your own ear.
7. You’ve gone as Larry King, and you don’t need any makeup.
6. You’re the only SpongeBob on the block with a walker.
5. You can suck the chocolate off the Goobers, but you can’t then chew the peanuts.
4. Your grandkids tell you the best houses to hit.
3. Instead of candy corn, you keep hoping for corn pads.
2. When people open the door, instead of saying “Trick or treat,” you look confused, then start singing Christmas carols.
1. You keep seeing someone dressed up as the Grim Reaper – but you’re the only one who can see him.
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
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