The best case scenario
Scott Walker began his tenure as Governor of Wisconsin on January 3, 2011. In this month and a fortnight he has ginned up a fiscal crisis, driven off his dedicated opponents and now promises devastations of Mubarak-esque extremity, all the while tending a jaunty little moustache of a style not seen since 1947. This is the publicly expressed view of the larger throng demonstrating lately in Madison. It is in many regards complimentary of the Governor as it implies that he has powers of pursuasion and deception on the scale of some comic book telepath. And maybe he does? He’s looked pretty good on TV. Maybe he is exercising supernatural or technological powers. We at least owe it to the numerous people of Good Faith thronging the Capitol to take their concerns and views seriously.
So the criminal Walker has cooked the books. He must have used some recent innovation given the speed and thoroughness of the deed as he has also taken in his Democratic predecessor who sat in his chair up until January 2. Also we might well have a more-or-less explicit admission by Walker as he has never once claimed that he “inherited” this fictive deficit (claimed to be $3.6b over a two year budget) allegedly so terrible and immediate. This is the deafening silence of a dog that didn’t bark. [Read more →]