Justin Bieber doesn’t know what “German” means?
Posted on May 7th, 2010 by Amy Boshnack
Justin Bieber, did your parents take you out of school too early? I mean, I know it’s important to be a superstar to tween girls, and maybe your family needed the money, but really, aren’t there mandates about hiring a tutor or something? Seriously — this is why people from other countries (particularly my friends on the other side of the Atlantic) say Americans are stupid. At first I thought it was a problem with the accent, or maybe he misunderstood the question… but no… I think he’s never heard the word “German” before. See for yourself!
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- Justin Bieber doesn’t know what “German” means? - May 7, 2010
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Hey Amy –
I was amused by this as well, and as much as I’d love to bash this kid (for his stupid hair, if nothing else), I think this may really have been just a case of him not understanding what the interviewer was saying due to his accent. Bieber claimed to have thought he was saying “Jewman,” whatever that is. But here is an older video in which he counts in German and translates his name:
He may have challenged listening skills, but he may not be as dumb as he appeared.
whew…. thanks for the education Alan. I am actually relieved because I know my daughter is soon to be infatuated this kid. But I still can’t stand him (mostly because of his stupid hair!)
I recently read that a girlfriend of one of the Jonas Brothers never heard of “politics.”
Maybe we should cut Justin Bieber some slack. He seems too young to be making fun of just yet, is he 10 years old? He looks it. I kind of want to pinch his cheeks, he’s just a baby!
Did the guy not show him the word on the piece of paper though, and he still didn’t know?