8 years later and nothing has changed
8 years have passed since terrorists, who entered the country on legal visas, attacked and killed thousands of American citizens.
Two conspirators in the first World Trade Center attack, Mohammed Salameh and Eyad Ismoil overstayed their visas. Other terrorist ‘overstayers’ were Lafi Khalil, who was involved in the New York subway bomb plot, and four of the 9/11 terrorists: Zacarias Moussaoui, Satam al Suqami, Nawaf al Hamzi, and Hani Hanjour. They could do this because we did not have the ability to track aliens who are in the US.
Let me say that again. Some of the terrorists who attacked us on 9/11; the terrorists who perpetrated the biggest domestic terror attack in the history of this country; the people who killed 2,966 American Citizens, arrived here on legal visas, and didn’t leave when they were supposed to.
8 years later and nothing has changed. There could be as many as 6,000,000 people in the US who entered on legal visas and just disappeared, overstaying the length of time they are allowed to be here and just disappearing into the population.
The recent arrest of 19 year old terrorist Hosam Maher Husein Smadi proves that the system is still broken. Smadi was even arrested for driving without a license and an NCIC check said there was no reason to hold him. Just days later, he was parking a van filled with what he thought were explosives, under a building in Dallas.
Immigration officials even have the gall to claim that it is, “up to law enforcement officials to thwart terrorism suspects.” Wait…. ICE = Immigration and Customs Enforcement. On the ICE website, the Office of Detention and Removal has this on thier mission statement:
DRO promotes public safety and national security by ensuring the departure from the United States of all removable aliens through the fair and effective enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws.
*Whew* I am so relieved we got that straightened out!
We have channeled more than 3 trillion dollars into Homeland Security. One of the prime motivations behind the creation of the Department of Homeland Security was to act as a non-partisan clearing house for information. They would gather information from the alphabet agencies (FBI, CIA, NSA, DIA etc) the military, state and local law enforcement; and make sure that the information was disseminated to the proper agencies. They were supposed to cut through the in-fighting, the parochial territoriality, and make sure the left hand knew what the right hand was doing. By creating this behemouth of a parent agency to oversee all facets of law enforcement and intelligence gathering (as it applies to domestic security), DHS was supposed to make us safer.
If that is the case, why are we no better off than we were in September 10th, 2001? We couldn’t track people who flouted the immigration laws before 9/11 and we still can’t track them today!
The Bush White House was unable to fix the issue in the 7 years they had control, Bush was too busy overthrowing Iraq and learning how to pronounce “nuk-u-lar” to concentrate on something as penny-ante as fixing the system that allowed the attacks in the first place.
Now the Obama house is following the same playbook by putting people like that idiot, Janet Napolitano, in charge. This is the woman who thinks our border with Canada and the “returning veterans who are susceptible to being recruited by right-wing extremists” are the real danger to the United States.
You want to Change something, President Obama? Fixing this ongoing idiocy would be Change I could believe in.
Latest posts by David "Preacher" Slocum (Posts)
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- Olympic hopefuls, or Chicago politics goes international? - October 1, 2009
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Happy Birthday, old man!