Going parental: Spanking leads to assault charges (no, they’re not against me)
This is the second time I’ve read about a stranger hitting someone else’s kid in less than two weeks. What is going on? Maybe too many people are reading my blogs and taking them too seriously. I’m only kidding (sort of) when I say I’ll slap your kids around if you wont parent them or if they hurt my kid. Apparently Gloria Ballard thought it was fine to spank another woman’s son after the two-year-old baby boy said something that annoyed her.
Is this bitch for real? Lady, you’re lucky this went down in Cincinnati, because if that were my kid, your ass would be in the hospital, not jail. Last week, Amy Boshnack blogged about a man that had slapped a crying two-year-old baby girl in a Walmart because the baby, yes baby wouldn’t stop crying. As reported by CNN, this lunatic named Roger Stephens warned the mother that if her child didn’t stop crying, he was going to make her stop crying himself. They crossed paths moments later, the child was still crying, and so he grabbed her and proceeded to slap her across the face five or six times.
Let me say this again: Two weeks ago in Atlanta, a 61-year-old man grabbed a crying two-year-old baby girl and slapped her across the face five or so times because she was crying. Yesterday, in Cincinnati, A 44-year-old woman grabbed a two-year-old baby boy and spanked him three times because he was annoying her.
Are crazy pills being handed out at retail outlets these days? Are these people out of their minds? Apparently not everyone thinks so.
If you read the comments section on Amy’s blog you’ll see some pretty outrageous remarks. It’s no surprise that the comments blaming the mother for not controlling her child are from people who do not have children. Only an imbecile without a child could look at this situation and blame the mother and totally ignore the fact that a strange man/woman just slapped the crap out of a baby. I’m not saying all adults without children are imbeciles — just the ones who find these scenarios understandable.
I’m beside myself for these parents and these children. I’m not sure what the parents reactions’ were at the time of these incidents, but I’m pretty sure mine would resemble something close to one of those gnarly CGI moments in The Incredible HULK. Only my version would make Ed Norton’s HULK look like a total pansy.
I’m dying to hear your comments. Just know that if you defend either of these abusive lunatics, I’m going to find you and punch you in the teeth.
Going Parental appears every Thursday. Apparently strangers that like to hit two-year-olds are starting to appear every two weeks at your local retail stores. Keep your baseball bats handy moms.
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While modern-day parents have become a bit soft these days… if a stranger touched my child there would be hell to pay.
Welcome back….we’ve missed you. And can I just say a big thank you for including a link to Ed Norton. Nice!
Yeah, clearly there is something seriously wrong with these people. Maybe if the kid was 7 or 8 and being a complete pain with the parents oblivious I could MAYBE understand it (but not condone it). But 2 years old – absolutely horrifying!
I will not stand for anyone taking the PLEASURE away from me of slapping my own kid…that’s messed up!
Seriously… what are people thinking?
— “Are crazy pills being handed out at retail outlets these days?”
Apparently so!
Barbara Jones–I like your style.
So I went to the mall today with my kids and they were throwing down a bit of a fit (both of them) and although I managed to calm them down – I kept looking around, just waiting for someone to try something! What the hell is this world coming to?
OMG, I completely agree with you! I don’t know who these crazy people are, but anyone that would think it would be okay to lay your hands on someone else’s kid, is a damn IDIOT!! I truly feel sorry for anyone that would dream of putting their hands anywhere near my child! The bottomline is, No One has the right to do that, no matter if the child won’t stop crying or they are ANNOYING you, get over it! You were once a child, do you not recall?