What’s your price for stealing a child’s happiness?
Posted on June 25th, 2009 by Shawn Macomber
If you said, “Five-hundred dollars!” and can stand chilling with a Cocker Spaniel for twenty minutes, good lawd does Craig’s List have a deal for you!
Latest posts by Shawn Macomber (Posts)
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- What’s your price for stealing a child’s happiness? - June 25, 2009
- Generous gelatinous glob, now with less Steve McQueen… - June 22, 2009
- Actually, I was hoping for tips on how to hone my rampaging and pillaging skills… - June 19, 2009

That is messed up.
Could that be real? My mom took my crazy dog away but she was honest about it & she promptly replaced it with a calm & self sufficient cat. There are smarter ways to handle your kids.