Top ten signs gas is expensive
10. It’s so expensive, gas stations now have a concierge service
9. It’s so expensive, oil companies have actually started inspecting their offshore rigs
8. It’s so expensive, SUV now stands for Stationary Unused Vehicle
7. It’s so expensive, drivers are shooting themselves instead of each other
6. It’s so expensive, Oprah’s audience gave their cars back
5. It’s so expensive, if you ask for five dollars worth, the attendant will just fart, and then ask if you want a receipt
4. It’s so expensive, clowns are now cramming themselves onto a bicycle
3. It’s so expensive, a gallon of Starbucks is cheaper
2. It’s so expensive, the Indy 500 is now a foot race
1. It’s so expensive, the Amish are carrying signs that say “We Told You So!”
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.