Bruce Wayne and the superhero-industrial complex
When I look at my children, I shudder.
They have lived their entire lives in the so-called “age of superheroes.” They are too young to remember a time before the likes of Superman, Green Lantern, and Wonder Woman forced us to accept their “protection.” They didn’t ask to live in this world – they had it forced upon them.
The rest of us should have known better. We should have seen this coming. We have given up our sovereignty to people (if in fact they are “people;” many of them are not even of this world) who, by virtue of their enormous physical strength or possession of amazing weapons capable of mass destruction, believe they have the right to decide what is best for the rest of us.
At what point did we, the average and non-superpowered individuals, decide to just let this happen? When did we become sheeple, just placidly accepting the notion that because some people have the ability to destroy things efficiently they can make the rules for all of us?
Earlier this month, Gotham City’s wealthiest and most powerful resident, Bruce Wayne, held a press conference in which he revealed that he has been financing the extra-legal activities of the vigilante known as “Batman.” If there were any sense to our world, Mr. Wayne would have been immediately arrested and brought to trial. Taking the law into our own hands is a crime.
But Bruce Wayne is one of the wealthiest men in the world. The “law” does not apply to the rich, just as the “law” does not apply to superheroes.
Bruce Wayne believes he is above all of us, and can finance the activities of his own private vigilante that is answerable to no one but himself. Mr. Wayne owns at least half of Gotham City’s real estate. He owns Wayne Enterprises. He owns the Wayne Foundation. Apparently, that’s not enough. He wants more.
And now he’s just announced plans to start a company called – are you ready for this? – “Batman Incorporated.” This new corporate entity would install “Batmen” in countries all over the world.
Mr. Wayne, your arrogance knows no bounds. Who appointed you to be the world’s policeman? You are an unelected businessman, a “millionaire playboy” with dozens of millionaire friends. Do you really think the people of France, or Japan, or Egypt, want to have “Batmen”?
Your brand of vigilanteism-for-profit will not work outside American shores. If you think the rest of the world resents America now, wait until the “Batmen” of France, Japan, and Egypt get their very own “Hugo Strange,” or “The Joker,” or “Penguin,” or “Catwoman.”
Here in Gotham City, we were “supervillain” free for generations. Then one day, Batman arrived in his gray-and-blues, and suddenly Gotham City was over-run with costumed criminals, each with an elaborate plan to destroy us all. Each of these criminals was mysteriously well-financed, just like Batman.
Now, Mr. Wayne, you admit that you have been financing Batman’s activities. Who has been financing the supervillains?
To answer that question, we must ask another: Who profits the most from their activities?
Ever since Batman began his “war on crime,” Gotham City has lived in a perpetual state of fear. Fearful people will accept anything in the name of “safety.” Any one of us could be a “supervillain” in disguise, and so we just accept that we must be frisked and patted down before entering any public building, or traveling on any public transportation. And because the frisking and pat-downs might not work, we accept the x-ray machines.
But our streets are not safe, either. So we accept the roving vans that x-ray our cars and see into our apartments.
Because one of us might be The Penguin, we have our umbrellas searched. The Joker might return at any time, so makeup is sold only by prescription, it’s illegal to own more than a few ounces of it at one time, and the police can raid your home without a warrant if they believe you have more than the legal limit. One of us might be Catwoman, so our cats are strictly licensed, inspected, and regulated. It costs over $1,000 a year just to own a cat!
Because one of us might be The Bookworm, all books sold in Gotham City now must be sprayed with special solvents. Because of Mr. Freeze, it is illegal for private residences to own a freezer unit that has not been constructed at a special facility. Because of Two-Face, anyone carrying coins is subject to a strip-search, at any time.
How much money has Wayne Enterprises and its various subsidiaries made on its investments in “protective” technologies?
Bruce Wayne has directly profited from the culture of fear that has been created by Batman’s “war on crime.” That culture of fear is now global, and Bruce Wayne, through his puppet Batman, is looking to extend his reach.
Now I ask again: Who has been financing the supervillains?
Before Batman, there were no supervillains. Batman’s existence needed to be justified. Batman needed supervillains.
Why do these villains keep coming back, time after time? How many times has “The Joker” died, or appeared to die? Countless times. Where does “The Joker” keep getting the money finance his terror operations?
Bruce Wayne is financing Batman. Is he also financing “The Joker”? Is he paying people to play “The Joker” as part of an “insecurity theater” meant to instill fear in all of us, and therefore justify his own gross profits?
And what has Commissioner Gordon made from all this? We’ve known that the Commissioner has had contact with Batman (the so-called “Bat-Signal,” which should just be a dollar sign) – did he know that Batman was a tool of the fascist Bruce Wayne, who was forging a corporate-superhero partnership that would take over every aspect of our lives, and destroy our liberties?
After the debacle of the LutHitler Presidency, can we afford another superhero-supercorporate-government partnership? Lex Luthor of LexCorp ascended to the highest office in the land because of his direct connection to Superman. Superman is often a partner of Batman.
If you remember, when Luthor was removed from office, it was Batman who led the fight “against” him. And now we find out that Bruce Wayne has been financing Batman.
Wayne Industries is in direct competition with LexCorp.
For the sake of our children, the sheeple must wake up and put an end to the superhero-industrial complex.
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But have we learned nothing from the hunt against mutants? We must be adamantly aware of the loss of our freedoms but vigilant against outright discrimination and eventually concentration camps. What’s the middle ground? How do we keep from under the super powered thumb? What method do we have against the supers – heroes and villains alike? Perhaps Super-Serum TM for all non-supers? Bring us somewhat up to speed? But we can’t force everyone to become the pinnacle of human perfection like Captain America. Alas where are all the heroes to stand up and fight against the supers? Where I ask?