politics & government

Elena Kagan: Proof that there is no difference between the two parties

From MSNBC, President Obama makes his USSC nomination today.

The comparisons of her to Harriet Miers began over a week ago…

What really bugs me is that both parties have now offered up a nomination for Supreme Court Justice who has no experience whatsoever.

The normal American can’t get anything but a dish washing position without any experience.

You would not hire a welder who had never seen an acetylene tank, nor a mechanic who had never popped the hood of a car, would you?

As a voter, I am tired of these shenanigans.  I want competent, proven individuals.  Nominations of people who I can feel sure know what the heck is going on!

And when people say: “Oh, but she does have legal experience as Dean of Harvard Law!” I want to remind them that even with a PhD in Business, no one would hire you as CEO of a Fortune 500 company without seeing you do at least a day’s work.  She has left very little evidence of what her beliefs and opinions are, even in the realm of scholarly writings.  It’s almost as if she has designed her whole career with the intent of being nominated to the USSC some day, and I have an instinctive distrust of people who pursue power like that.

The American citizens deserve better than this from the Two Main Parties in DC.  The number of people who shot down Harriet Miers because of a lack of judicial experience didn’t all get beamed off the planet.   We didn’t all up and die.  We’re still here, and we’re still upset that politics, and not ability, is what governs actions inside the country’s Halls of Power.

And an even better concern is this: If all of the qualified people are so tainted that they couldn’t make it through the confirmation process, what does that say of our judicial system as a whole?

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