The audacity of a State doing something on its own
The politicians in DC are crapping large, corn filled bricks because of the new Arizona immigration bill. Democrats are dumping other agenda items in an effort to make the GOP look like a bunch of racists. The GOP is attacking the Democrats as just wanting to add another 12 million voters to the rolls of the government-dependent, hopefully replacing many of the votes that the Obama agenda has cost them over the last 15 months.
Both groups need to take a long walk off a short pier.
It’s a headline on FoxNews.com right now. “Democrats Use Arizona Immigration Law as Rallying Cry for Federal Action”. And thus does the power struggle begin:
Democratic senators on Sunday called for Congress to promptly take up comprehensive immigration legislation, saying the controversial policy signed into law in Arizona this past week highlights the need for a national overhaul.
Republicans insist the time is not right for the legislation, with unemployment near 10 percent and negotiations over a Wall Street regulation bill in full swing. Democrats are already seeing their work on a climate change bill fall apart as a result of shifting focus to immigration.
Get used to it folks, this one is going to occupy our reading for a significant time to come.
Fox News decides to begin its long list of quotes with the words of Sen. Chris Dodd, a representative of a State which is literally being overwhelmed with illegal immigrants…
Sen. Christopher Dodd, D-Conn., said Sunday that Congress needs to act to make sure other states don’t follow Arizona’s lead.
“The idea that state by state would start developing its own immigration laws in the country — imagine what a patchwork that might look like,” Dodd told NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “It’s demanding a national answer to immigration policy, so before this even gets further out of hand, we’ve got to step up and do the job.”
Dodd called the Arizona law “outrageous.”
What warps my mind about this ignorant blowhard’s comments is that this useless waste of Earth’s finite resources has the audacity to proclaim geographically specific legislation “outrageous”.
No, Mr. Dodd, “outrageous” is some twit who lives in Connecticut trying to tell the good citizens of Arizona how to handle the swarms of illegal immigrants flooding into their State. He’s full of indignation, he’s mystified that a State would show an ounce of gumption, eschewing the Federal government, and making hard decisions that do have to be made, on their own.
However, I’ll bet that this guy doesn’t have armed, drug toting illegal aliens jumping the security wall around one of his summer mansions…
Another of the Democrats all up in a hurry to make his voice heard was Sen. Robert Menendez, but don’t let the name fool ya’, he’s from New Jersey. Practically the front lines of the Mexican government v. drug cartel battles that are popping up all over the southern US border…
Grrr… I’m spitting mad about this already…
Anyway, Sen. Menendez gets into a sound byte thread with Sen. Chambliss, a Republican from Georgia:
Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said on CNN’s “State of the Union” that negotiations over the federal budget and Wall Street regulation package will “consume an extensive period of time.” He said Arizonans were in their right to address the issue at the state level, but said, “I’m not sure where you find the time to deal with these other major issues” in Washington.
But Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said there’s enough time to deal with both immigration and climate change legislation in this session, as well as the other issues. He denied that Democrats were pursuing the former just to drive Hispanic voters to the polls.
It’s not really the dismissal of the idea that Democrats are just trying to pander, any idiot off the street knows he’s telling a bald faced lie there. What makes an honest citizen want to slap his mother for his raisin’ is his idea that the Congress can handle the regulation, taxation, and complete overhaul of the nation’s energy industry, AND solve the problem of 12 million illegal immigrants in just a few short months.
He sounds like the kind of quack who’d get the Superman “S” tattooed on his chest… and believe it.
I mean, given the… amazing… job these people did with Obamacare, well, who here doesn’t think they can’t handle all this? Ladies and gents, we’re being governed by our inferiors.
But the real knee-jerk, spasmodic reaction came when I read the words of Sen. Reid, from Nevada.
In the face of the backlash, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid stood by the call to push forward on immigration legislation.
“I appreciate the work of Senator Graham on both of these issues [Immigration and Cap-N-Trade — MM] and understand the tremendous pressure he is under from members of his own party not to work with us on either measure,” he said in a statement. “But I will not allow him to play one issue off of another, and neither will the American people. They expect us to do both, and they will not accept the notion that trying to act on one is an excuse for not acting on the other.”
Uhhh, hello, Senator? Can you hear us from your lunar orbit? Are those of us living on Earth coming in loud and clear?
The usually reliable average from Real Clear Politics.com has Congress’s job disapproval rating at 70.5%!
And only 20% of the population thinks that you idiots are doing a good job…
No sir, the American people are fervently hoping that you numb-nuts don’t do anything else at all! That’s why Arizona passed this bill! So you wouldn’t have to touch yet another important issue and FUBAR that sucker, like you did with the Porkulus and the Health Care monstrosity that is going to deep six this country.
Sit your dumb ass down, and STFU, Senator. All you have EVER done with your life is win a popularity contest.
And it’s increasingly likely that you won’t win another one! Your disapproval rating is somewhere in the upper 50s, and you’re in the polls getting clubbed like a baby seal when compared to GOP candidates.
We don’t care what you think. You’re just a power hungry maniac who has been counting the days to his pink slip for a couple of months, and you’re now trying to parlay a hypersensitive issue into political points by appealing to the voters in this country who do NOT live on the border, and do NOT know what is best for those people, as a desperate last gasp.
This is why we had a Federal system in the first place. Because there is no way that the Federal Government, lead by spineless simpletons, can craft legislation that is going to be fair and appropriate for every state equally.
But let’s not leave out the Republicans! Oh, no, let’s not do that!
John “I never considered myself to be a Maverick” McCain has now done a complete 180 on Immigration. It’s been a slow process, but Sen. McCain has more than proven that he’s willing to say anything he needs to say to get re-elected. Maybe that’s one of the reasons President Obama handed him his arse in ’08?
And he is just leading a pack of fools. No one missed Sen. Graham’s flipperoo either…
Some Republicans don’t buy that argument. Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., wrote in a scathing letter to Senate leaders Saturday that rushing to complete an immigration package amounts to “nothing more than a cynical political ploy.”
This, now, from the guy who earned the nickname “Lindsey Grahamnesty” from Rush Limbaugh. Not to be a cynic or anything, but I can’t believe that politics weren’t part of this decision, because they are dripping off my computer screen and collecting into a huge puddle, making a mess of my floor.
And it’s not just the politicians I’m pissed at either.
All this talk from race baiters about the “discrimination” that Mexicans are going to face… OMG! The police are going to be asking for their papers!!! It’s the Gestapo all over again!
These people need to shut up too. I’m a legal citizen, and I’m white, and if I get pulled over, the cop is going to ask for my license and registration, my… GASP!… papers which I am required to have with me.
Get a grip. If those people are here legally, they won’t have anything to fear. They’re going to have their papers. Heck, many of them will probably be proud of the effort it took to become a citizen of the US, and will be itchin’ to show them to you! I know I’m proud of my citizenship! We’re the luckiest 300 million people on the planet. We have officially won the lotto of life.
That whole argument is rubbish.
What kills me is that the problem is sooooo easy to solve. Heck, the solution is so simple that DC won’t ever figure it out and we’ll probably have violence erupt…
Solution to the Immigration Problem:
Step 1) Everyone, from any country, who wants to become a citizen is now required to get a work VISA for a set period of time, like 5 or 7 years.
Step 2) We hand out these work VISAs like we’re clowns throwin’ candy at a parade. Literally everyone who wants to get one should be able to do so almost immediately.
Step 3) These people move to the US, work, pay taxes, etc for 5 or 7 years, and if they have an fairly unbroken employment record (No clue as to the definition of “fair”), and a clean criminal record, at the end of this “probationary” period, we grant them full citizenship.
Step 4) Everyone, black, white, brown, yellow, it doesn’t matter, everyone has to have proof of citizenship. You’ve already got a Federal tracking number, it’ll be no different than that SSI card you get when you’re born. This way, no one is discriminated against. It’ll be standard procedure that if you talk to an officer of the law, you’ll have your proof of citizenship on you, or be able to obtain it in a reasonable manner (like if it’s in your house, just down the block, or something).
Optional pathway: Everyone who wants citizenship can complete a tour of duty with our armed forces. Put your life on the line for us, fully franchised, no questions asked.
Seriously. It’s simple. If the voting lemmings in the US truly have panicked enough to trade away our liberty for the illusion of security from the government, the solution is pretty apparent.
But I have faith that DC is going to screw this pooch.
And for the record: The only reason I am taking Arizona’s side in this debate is because they took action when it became clear that the Federal government would not. I love to see independence. It makes me feel all warm, fuzzy, and American. Let’s hear it for the 10th Amendment!
Latest posts by Mike McGowan (Posts)
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I have another easy solution too. Annex everything south down to the Panama Canal. Poof! They are all Americans overnight….and they can stay right where they are. Then, we put our Border Patrol to work on the 1 mile of border we know have. Sure we’ll need a bigger Coast Guard but we just got like 25 new states. Yeah we have to change the flag but hell, we’ve done that before. But we have to annex Canada too…I figure that’s the only down side.
People are getting fed up. If the people that are fed up just happen to mostly white, taxpayers and pretty much honest citizens then they are racists. How dare a white person who pays taxes and follows the laws of the land care where his taxes go. If those taxes go to welfare programs, illegal families who tap into the welfare system due to “anchor babies”, government housing and food stamps for generations of families who work the “free welfare, housing,food, money sytem’ etc etc etc it is none of “whiteys” business. He should shut up and keep paying…….. People are getting fed up, I know I am.
‘Twould be better if Canada annexed us.