A great day of rejoicing is upon us
Three cheers for the death of Big-Government!
Make no mistake about it: This is the beginning of the end for Big-Government.
There is NO way The Federal Government can pay for Obamacare. It’s going to bankrupt the country, just like socialized medicine has bankrupted every other country where it has been tried. The end result of Obamacare is to accelerate the coming debt tsunami that is going to swamp this country, NOT to decelerate it.
Once the government’s budget is completely consumed by entitlement spending (in just a couple of years from now), the doors close on every Federal building in America. Government goes from gigantic to extremely local, and virtually non-existent, over night.
Government entitlement spending is like a drug. And as great minds have pointed out down through the ages, once a society is addicted to this drug, it will consume itself.
We who believe in small government (more commonly called conservatives), we have argued for the slow, steady deconstruction of the Big-Government addiction, in much the same manner as an individual uses methadone to break a heroin addiction.
The Democrats, being the irrational addicts, have fought kicking and screaming to continue taking the drug of Big-Government until it kills the country. Today, they have won that fight. There is no repealing this. There is no going back. For those of you who believe that this will be repealed: you’re living in a dream world. You’re never going to elect a politician willing to give up $2.5 trillion bucks’ worth of budgetary authority.
Thus we begin the long, slow Death March to the State of Fiscal Insolvency, the end of Big-Government, and the re-birth of individual liberty.
Hip hip hooray.
hip hip hooray.
hip hip hooray.
Latest posts by Mike McGowan (Posts)
- From one single father to the next - July 20, 2012
- Why isn’t anyone talking about the man - February 13, 2012
- Questions about the power of precedent - February 8, 2012
- Suffer not the Innocent to find relief - February 2, 2012
- Romney v. Newt: How the GOP and the conservative media killed the TEA Party - January 31, 2012

I would say you were whistling past the graveyard, if I didn’t know you were barking mad. Howling at the moon. Utterly and completely batshit. Paranoid to a certifiable degree. Licking your chops over the vision of a fallen America..
The Tea Partyers did their damnedest to move America back to the early decades of the 20th century, but even with the use of bigotry such as calling their fellow Americans “niggers” and “faggots” and wielding signs implying gun violence to get what they want, they could not prevail. America is better than that — and them.
The biggest loser is the GOWPP, the Grand Old White Peoples Party..
I’m going to sit back and wait for all the radioactive dust to settle (on both sides of the political spectrum, natch) before drawing any firm conclusions.
I have no idea if this thing will turn out good or bad. But I absolutely despise it when politicians rally around cries of “making history” as if the ACT of “making history” is inherently just. (I’m fairly certain Bush felt a rush of joy run up his scrotum whenever contemplating his contrived place in manufactured history too.)
There are definitely a few characters in this ensemble who seem to want their names in the history books a little too much. Like with Sarah Palin on the right, they want their “byline” on the “story” regardless of whether the story is a turd or a piece of gold.
Obama, Pelosi, Biden — you’ve chiseled out your place in history. Now let’s see if your legacy-building harms or helps.
I’m waiting to be dazzled.
@ Parsifal
I’m not insane, and I certainly don’t appreciate your labelling of me as such.
In case you didn’t notice, the government is broke because of the other entitlement programs we’ve already got. Adding yet another massive program isn’t going to fix the problem.
Look, since I’m sure that you don’t understand your history:
The ultimate goal of Marxism is the withering away of the state, right? This is the final destination for both the left wing and the right wing, we just disagree on the path to get there.
The Marxists (that’d be the Democrats) have decided that the nation should go the route of “withering away of the state due to fiscal insolvency”. Fine. Either way, we’re going to get smaller government. We cannot afford a constantly growing government.
Take a look at the financial situations of the various members of the EU and then try to deny this.
I was in Canada three days ago, it didn’t look bankrupt.
Which countries went bankrupt due to socialized medicine and when? Information, please.
@ Neil
You’re kidding me, right?
Spain, Greece, Portugal, Italy? (1)
You mean to tell us that you’ve missed all of this? You mean to tell us that you have missed the Euro falling against the dollar? (2)
You mean to tell me that Canada isn’t bankrupt??? They have a nation DEBT of $516 BILLION (in Canadian dollars)(3)! Sure, it’s a pittance compared to our national debt, but does that make it any better? The average Canadian’s share is over $10,000. How many of them can cough that money up on a moment’s notice? In debt. It’s the nature of fiat money. Get real.
1 – http://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/article/20100321/OPINION02/3210310/1014/OPINION/These-PIGS-don-t-fly
2 – http://www.businessweek.com/news/2010-03-20/euro-falls-most-since-january-as-leaders-spar-over-greece-aid.html
3 – http://www.debtclock.ca/
I am aware that countries go bankrupt. My question is whether they go bankrupt BECAUSE OF health care.
Neither of these articles says a word about socialized medicine. Actually, the first says that Spain’s problems are due to unemployment (not health care), says negative things about banking policy (again, not health care), and wonders what more stable countries in Europe (all of which HAVE health care, notice) will do about it. The second article explains that Canada’s currency is in wonderful shape, despite the debt cited in your third link.
So my question remains. You have claimed that socialized medicine has bankrupted countries. Actually, you have claimed that it has bankrupted EVERY country in which it has been implemented. Please try again, explaining how every country on the planet with socialized medicine is now bankrupt.
Thank you.
@ Neil
Please reread my explanation:
“The average Canadian’s share is over $10,000. How many of them can cough that money up on a moment’s notice? In debt. It’s the nature of fiat money.”
Do I need to write a post explaining fiat money?
Big-Government can only survive with fiat money. The devaluation of our currency is the means by which they spend, spend, spend. This thing costs a trillion dollars by the CBO’s admittedly flawed estimates. It’s only possible for the government to pay for it all by printing “funny money”, or Federal Reserve notes.
Think about logically Neil: The government has to tax us for ten years, AND only provide 6 years worth of benefits, in order to keep costs at $1 trillion dollars.
Ten years of taxation, six years of benefits, and the price tag is still a trillion dollars. What is it going to look like when we’re getting ten years worth of benefits?
Like a 40% shortfall and a ten year cost of $1.4 trillion. By the flawed, benefit-of-the-doubt-to-Democrat’s-numbers, in-a-world-of-rainbows-and-unicorns estimates.
Can you name me ONE SINGLE country which has socialized anything that doesn’t have a National Debt greater than the ability of the average citizen to pay off their share?
What do you call it if you owe more money than you can pay back? Is that fiscal solvency?
Why would the mafia break your knee caps if you were in this boat with them?
That’s a lot of questions. By your definition of bankruptcy, it seems like every country in the world is bankrupt.
Or am I wrong? You probably know more about this than I do. Are there countries in the world that do not “have a National Debt greater than the ability of the average citizen to pay off their share?” I’d be interested if you have a case to cite on this.
Also, I wonder if it’s hard to break someone’s knee-caps in a boat.
One thing we can say without fear of contradiction is that the real target of the Tea Partyers, and to a lesser extent of the Grand Old White Peoples Party, is not health-care reform as such, or any other specific issue, but Barack Obama. Crowds do not shout anti-black slurs if some members of the crowd are non-white, and of course Tea Partyers and Republicans in general are almost to a man (and woman) white. When they shout “Kill the bill,” in their minds they are shouting, “Kill the ni**ger.”
@ Neil
Every country on Earth is bankrupt. That’s the whole point of the fiat money system. It’s the means by which the bankers ultimately control the entire world’s resources.
See how the world’s economy has been tied together since the end of WW2? See how a drop in the stock market here causes similar drops around the world, a la 2008?
The entire point has always been to get everyone onto a paper money system, one not backed by commodities, so that the “ruling class” of politicians and their buddies can use cycles of deflation followed by inflation in the monetary supply to buy up all the goods and resources of the whole planet.
@ Parsifal
I am not a racist. To me, racism is the most ignorant form of socialism. It is the product of identity politics, and I believe that all men are created equal, which is the antithesis of identity politics.
Before you start running your mouth, accusing me of racism while at the same time spouting off about your hatred of the “Old White People’s Party”, like an idiot, maybe you should examine your own hatred of white Americans?
Doesn’t it tell you something that virtually all black people vote Democrat?
How that doesn’t throw up the “racial politics” red flag in your incredibly thick cranial lobe, I’ll never know.
It’s enough to say that you’re just a blind hypocrite, I guess.
Touchy, touchy.
@ Neil
You should ask pirates. They might know how hard it is to break knee caps in a boat.