Man, am I ever glad we’re spending money on the Haiti “relief effort”
Posted on February 8th, 2010 by Mike McGowan
Even though I feel sympathy for the plight of the Haitians, I’m the kind of person who LOVES to say “I told you so“.
The protest in the Petionville neighborhood of Port-au-Prince was one of the largest since the January 12 quake that killed more than 200,000 people and left over 1 million homeless. It reflected still simmering anger among survivors over problems in the massive international relief effort.
Aid agencies from around the world have moved tons of rice and other food into Haiti but distributions to the hungry and homeless have been slow and sometimes chaotic.
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Your last post on this implied that the Hatians are not grateful for the help they have received and you heavily imply in this post that the Reuters quote proves that you were correct. It seems that, in your haste to say “I told you so,” you misread the article to which you have linked. The Haitians are protesting against their own government as they believe Mayor Parent is hoarding the aid they need. They are not protesting against the countries and agencies that have provided the aid.
We are so privileged that we can’t imagine how people who are starving to death might lose perspective and go a little nutty. I’m not certain whether I should be grateful for that or just sad.
I think you’ve mis-read my posts.
My argument hasn’t been that we shouldn’t be helping Haitians, it’s been that the US Government, specifically the military, shouldn’t be “spearheading” the effort.
We’re supposedly in charge, and Haiti is already turning into another third world S.N.A.F.U. This doesn’t look good for America.
This job should’ve been left to the UN, to private organizations, etc.
Not the US Government, which apprently can’t even get rice handed out efficiently…
If you read the last paragraph of my first post on Haiti, you’ll see that I must be a prophet.
“This follows Ayn Rand’s model of ethics in an emergency to an absolute “T”. Haiti is a drowning nation. It is fighting, kicking, individuals are fighting not only to survive, but to advance themselves. This is not the proper climate for us to be delivering aid. As we bring in aid, the various gangs and warlords (which are already there) will be taking it and selling it or holding it back from the people. It’s happened to US relief efforts all over the world. We’re risking the lives of American doctors, soldiers, etc for no reason but to give petty tyrants power and an easy life, and that is not worth it to me.”
Now, do you want to tell me that this isn’t EXACTLY what has happened?
Ah, I think I’ve read them all too carefully. In the post you linked to today, you argued that those who “strike at the people who come to help them” don’t deserve that help. You did not say that the UN or private organizations should spearhead the efforts. In fact, you stated that you were against “an extension of relatively-safe charity” in the paragraph directly following the one where you talk about individuals giving to the Red Cross, implying that you didn’t think people should even donate privately.
“Let them starve” is not exactly ambiguous.
My comments above do not agree or disagree that the US does not belong in Haiti, or that the situation has descended into chaos. My opinion is simply that it’s a shame you chose to back up your point by cherry-picking a quote from Reuters that conveniently leaves out the context of the event on which the article is reporting.
I’m also bewildered that anyone who sees what is happening in Haiti right now can react with the hubris and presumption that you have displayed in your posts and comments. When people are literally starving to death, they are going to go into survival mode, and that can get ugly. You would have them writing thank you notes.
I even quoted the paragraph from my piece that proved you wrong and you still want to argue about it?
Absolutely amazing.
You still think I’m disagreeing with your opinion that we shouldn’t help Haiti. You’re also apparently not able to debate without getting personal and inarticulate. That’s too bad, I was having fun!
Personal and inarticulate?
Lady, Webster’s Dictionary has my morning bowel movement on retainer as a consultant, I’m so articulate.
The purpose of this thread was to show that what I had predicted would happen, has happened.
I’ve posted all of the supporting evidence.
You’ve chosen to ignore it.
Fine. It is impossible to argue with someone who chooses to reject reality. If that ruins your fun, so be it.
I prefer to operate under the premise that A is A.