10. Instead of being on the ‘Naughty’ or ‘Nice’ list, you’re on his list of ‘Jerk Faces’
9. He smears milk and cookies all over your drapes
8. Your biggest gift is Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue
7. He had all the reindeer leave you little gifts on the roof
6. Instead of just coals in your stocking, he puts in hot coals
5. He leaves you a note that says, “You better watch out! You better not cry! And you better not let me catch you alone, you bastard!”
4. You’re being stalked by killer elves
3. Instead of toys, he leaves you a bagful of ashes and soot
2. As he drives out of sight, instead of exclaiming, “Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!” he yells “Bite me!”
1. Rather than visiting a gas station restroom, he just sits on your chimney
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, ends & odd by Bob Sullivan
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