Going Parental: Toddlers that talk… and talk… and talk…
My daughter is 3 1/2 years old. Although you would never know it now, she was a late talker. By late, of course, I mean that at 1 1/2 she was only saying a few words, ya know the way most 1 1/2-year-olds are. My girlfriend works for the Early Intervention program so when she saw my daughter having fits and struggling to express herself, she immediately had her evaluated for speech therapy, which she qualified for. To not have her evaluated would have been like a dentist letting his teenage son walk around with an overbite and a snaggle-tooth. There’s nothing to talk about. You slap braces on that kid’s ugly mouth.
Fast forward two years and all hell has broken loose. The kid not only speaks, but she doesn’t shut up. And she’s smart to boot! Forget speaking in full sentences, this kid is reciting soliloquies and singing songs from start to finish — and I mean my songs. I can’t listen to Jason Mraz or Cyndi Lauper without this tiny little voice in the back seat singing along to the music and ruining it with her cuteness. At the end of Cyndi Lauper’s remake of “All Through the Night” with Shaggy, if you listen really carefully you’ll hear Shaggy say, “Big ups Cyn.” That’s slang for giving someone you respect props. If you don’t know what “props” means, get the hell off my site.
So what’s my daughter’s new favorite thing to say? You guessed it! “Big ups Mommy!” “Big ups Dr. Kathy!” “Big Ups Grandma!”
Yeah, it’s cute. Yeah, it’s funny. But sometimes, it’s just plain annoying — all the talking, the constant chatter. And the questions? UGH, the questions are the worst! They’re incessant. They’re ludicrous, but most of all… they’re really hard to answer sometimes.
“Mommy, where do we come from?”
Great. That’s just great. How the hell am I supposed to explain that to her? And I know what you’re thinking. Tell her we come from our mommies’ bellies. Yeah, tried that. “But Phillip at school doesn’t have a Mommy, so where did he come from?” Great. Just. Fucking. Great.
And the car is the worst place to be. There’s no escape. You’re trapped with them. And if you try to make the music louder, they just yell over it. And then they accuse you of being rude because they’re still talking and you’re not listening and that isn’t very nice because when someone is talking you’re supposed to listen quietly and then answer their questions.
I could kick myself for teaching her this shit.
Here are her most recent inquiries, for your enjoyment:
“Can we live in a house? If we live in a house then we can have Christmas lights, even though we’re not Christmas people because we’re Jewish. I just think that if we had a house, then we can have Christmas lights and then we could maybe not be Jewish?”
“You were at Jenn and Carly’s wedding? They got married? But they’re girls. Where was I? How come I didn’t go? I have a dress. They’re my friends too. That’s not very nice.”
“I’m going to be a flower girl in Jaime’s wedding? What’s a flower girl? I want to carry pink flowers. What color is my dress going to be? I want a pink dress. Jaime’s marrying Jenn? More girls getting married? What color are my flowers? Can I tell Jaime I want pink flowers? What color is Jaime’s dress? Maybe we can match. Is the wedding this week? Do we have Dora yogurts at home?”
Yeah. You’re welcome.
Going Parental appears every Thursday. My daughter’s advanced level of speech appears all day, every day, especially in the car and always when you’re trying to sleep.
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This is fantastic! Just wait…. there will be a time when you are begging your teenage girl to pay a little more attention to mommy… And really – don’t you know that the only real reason to have a house is so you can decorate it with Christmas lights! It has nothing to do with having more space.
LOL! And the nerve of her to tell my nephew to shut up b/c he was asking too many questions!
She may be a chatty pest but shes a happy healthy little girl and tons of fun to be around (most of the time :o)!!! I know you know that though….
Get her a damn Christmas tree would ya? You’re not even really jewish. Put up a menorah too, teach her Christmukkah and be done with it you scrooge.
Love it! She is hilarious!! Amazing that even the child of two women is totally confused by a lesbian wedding. Thanks for bringing the funny back. Big ups, Jack!
can’t you call it a hanukkah bush and make everyone happy? amanda’s family always had a christmas tree and celebrated it each year, and they don’t have an ounce of goy in them…after all, xmas has become a hallmark holiday just like the rest of ’em anyway.
im sitting here choking on my lunch! that was friggin hysterical! she so doesn’t shut up! it’s kind of funny sometimes! yes, she is a happy and a healthy little girl which makes us very happy, but that doesnt take away from the fact that she doesn’t shut up. and i swear she is going to be smarter than me in 5 yrs! jack you forgot to put on there that all she does is talk about hanukkah too and how the oil was supposed to last for 1 night but it lasted for 8 nights and that is why we have 8 nights of hanukkah! she is too much! big ups for sure jack. this was one of your best!
I’m crying at my desk. I love the questions…and you can always get the blue and white lights as a healthy compromise with your 3 yr old. LOL
LMFAO!!!!!!! I can’t with this kid she is way too much ! I Love it ! Excellent column !!! Good Luck because it will just get worse LOL
This is too funny! I am 30 years young, and have a 10 year old daughter. I have already gone through this stage. It only gets worse as far as the questions go! I just wanted to tell you how happy I am to have found this site, and I look forward to your column every Thursday! You are very talented, big ups to you!! : )