politics & government

Kill Khalid

Americans are deeply conflicted over whether alleged 9-11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed should be tried in a civilian court. But the one thing we can all agree on is that — in reprisal for his orchestration of the cold-blooded murder of those killed in the World Trade Center attack — we should . . . murder him in cold blood.

Last month, Attorney General Holder controversially announced that he will try Mohammed in a New York federal court — instead of in front of the military tribunal most conservatives demand. Uncontroversially, though, he also announced that he will seek the death penalty.

It was so uncontroversial that even President Obama predicted that Mohammed will be executed. And since Obama’s progressive credentials cannot even be questioned, we must believe Mohammed’s execution will be just — despite what some far-out radicals might profess, like that particularly annoying one who once uttered:

You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also.

Fortunately, almost no one listens to that nutjob anymore.

Of course, even without Obama’s endorsement, the death penalty would be appropriate, as it’s the only punishment that will bring back the lives of the 3,000 who died.

How do we know their lives would be restored?

We know it because what other purpose could there be for his execution? Surely we can’t fear that Mohammed would commit further crimes from his life-long confinement in a high-security prison. Deterrence cannot be the reason, either — as it’s well known that these extremists actually want to be martyred, so that they can inspire future terrorists and receive their virgins early. And the goal of the execution also can’t be revenge. After all, this is a Christian nation.

Of course, even without the resurrection of the dead, the death penalty would be appropriate, as it would help reinforce the belief in the eyes of the public that the state is omnipotent — that it can take your life, just like it can take anything else from you. All it needs is a reason.

Perhaps this is why progressives have suddenly found an appreciation of the death penalty.

And who knows, when we coolly and unemotionally take Mohammed’s life at some glorious date in the future, maybe these same people can experience — even if it’s just for a fleeting moment — that stupendous thrill he himself must’ve experienced on that fateful day more than eight years ago.

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One Response to “Kill Khalid”

  1. Putting KSM to death by drowning hit rat ass in pig blood, and turning his remains into dog food will serve as a deterrent to future islamist murderers. So there’s a good reason to do it.

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