The Masta Killa don’t want to hurt no animals, fool!
Posted on October 12th, 2009 by Shawn Macomber
The NYC Veg Fest speaker line-up doesn’t leave you guessing which one of these guests is doin’ his own thing. Attendees, I presume, didn’t dispense with politeness and ask the natural but uncomfortable question, “If not animals, what, exactly, are you a master killer of, Masta Killa?” (I present this incongruity as a vegan, myself, not one of those snarky, I-belong-to-People-Eating-Tasty-Animals nimrods, just FYI.)
And speaking of incongruity, when a porn star and a dude who helped invent something called rap-core can’t make their marriage work, what hope do the rest of us have!?
Latest posts by Shawn Macomber (Posts)
- The Final Battle against technology has begun - November 11, 2009
- The Masta Killa don’t want to hurt no animals, fool! - October 12, 2009
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- Actually, I was hoping for tips on how to hone my rampaging and pillaging skills… - June 19, 2009

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