Lauren likes TV: Jillian’s shocking decision…
Ed. Surprise, surprise. Can you sense the sarcasm? Last night’s Bachelorette finale confirmed a few things for me:
1) Jillian Harris is THE worst kisser on the face of the Earth.
2) We know what Jillian is going to look like in 50 years… her Grandmother.
3) I thought I had seen Ed’s balls the first time he wore the shnorty shnorts. I definitely saw them last night.
4) Ed has a tank top to match his shnorts.
5) The Bachelorette is the most predictable show ever made and a complete waste of my time.
They had me for a second… I knew Kiptyn was out (I really never bought the idea that he was in to her, let alone loved her) but I thought she just might pick Reid. I mean, we all knew he was coming back…that was retardedly obvious. But I thought this season could potentially be different and actually have an exciting, shocking ending. It didn’t. Reid was sent backpacking to the mainland while Ed and his shnorts got the girl. Remind me again why I dedicate 2 hours, weekly, during the summer, to watch this foreseeable soap opera unfold to habitual, ordinary endings. I am putting my foot down next time. No more Bachelor/Bachelorette seasons for me. Unless of course Reid or Michael and his twin brother are the next to the plate ;o)
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Worst show ever. Ed is a tool. No way they are lasting, he’s going right back to his job and being a bore. Lame ass show. If they do a twins show, I’m in. Otherwise, I’m done (just like i was after that douche Mesnick made a mess of things).
NO! you need to watch the show don’t bail on me. Rumors are this season was ALL set up. Bloggers totally predicted everything. AND Tanner P. mentioned in an interview, they all did not have access to any outside emails, phone calls, any outside contact the whole time they were in the house. He was dropping a hint that the whole Ed being called back home was SET UP! Apparently the producers knew Jillian and Ed were totally into each other from the beg. and needed a twist. Also heard they decided in the middle of the show that Kiptyn will be the next Bachelor. Lets see if this is all true! Common now eventhough the show is cheesy you have to admit the season was entertaining. haha.
OMG…. Thank you! All I could think all season long was that Jillian looks like a terrible kisser! Its so nice to have my opinions validated!
OMG! Watching the reunion of Ed and Jillian an audience member asked Ed what is up with the shnorts! LOL!!! We are not the only once that noticed them