Call for writers
Can you write? Do you pay attention to the news and think, “Hey, I think stuff about this stuff”? Are you funny? Outraged? Both? Do you find interesting news items or videos online and entertain your friends with your snarky comments on Facebook? If you answered yes to any of these inspired questions, maybe, just maybe, you could be the newest contributor to When Falls the Coliseum.
Visit our submissions page for more information about becoming a contributor. Basically, we seek engaging, funny, provocative writers to cover all areas of culture and society. Read about our categories to see how wide-ranging WFTC is. Want to write about video games? Cool. Want to make fun of celebrities? Excellent. Like to review movies, books, sitcoms, new music? Fine with us. Have a good story about terrible customer service, or your wife/husband/kids driving you crazy? We hear ya.
Though we are open to contributors in all areas, we are especially seeking writers able and willing to post timely commentary on current events, politics, social and economic issues, and whatever is in the news. We’d like to find strong libertarians, conservatives, and liberals (and others) who can blog regularly, at least every week, for a diverse and growing audience. You know, get in there and mix it up over the latest policy proposal or Supreme Court nominee or political disaster in California. That kind of thing.
Give When Falls the Coliseum a tour and forward a link to this page to bloggers you know who might be interested. No, we don’t pay, but if you read about our contributors you’ll see that you would be in some very fine unpaid company. Submissions instructions are here.
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