When Falls the Coliseum only publishes pieces by our contributors. If you would like to become a contributor to When Falls the Coliseum, you should do the following:
1. Tour the site — read our Welcome page and FAQ and other links on the top navigation bar.
2. Send a one-paragraph third-person bio telling us anything relevant and interesting about you, including professional background and publications (if any), not as an attachment but pasted into the body of an e-mail, to the following address (it is not a link, to cut down on spam — type it in manually):
the symbol for “at”
3. Beneath the bio, provide links to up to three online short essays, reviews, or blog/social media posts that you have written. (If you don’t have any, that does not rule you out as a contributor, but it is easier for us to say yes if we can read your work.)
4. The subject header of the e-mail message should read: submission to WFTC
Our contributors are invited to post as frequently as they like. We hope that they will post at least once per month and would prefer them to post more often, about any of the topics covered by our categories. We welcome humor, satire, commentary, reviews, and more and are open to brief 1-3 paragraph blog posts as well as full reviews, essays, and comedic bits.
Note that contributors are not paid (this is not a profit-making endeavor and produces no income).
We look forward to receiving your submission and will respond if we are interested.