Entries Tagged as 'trusted media & news'

religion & philosophytrusted media & news

Messiah watch: Savior of all mankind already on TV so keep your eyes peeled

As we all know, the world is in a terrible state and likely to end very soon. That being the case, we should be well advised to keep an eye out not only for manifestations of Satan but also for possible messiahs who might extricate us from this unholy mess. Alas, with so many claimants to the title, how are we to know who is the real deal? According to Benjamin Creme we should all be watching our TVs very closely right now, because the ‘Maitreya’ (the coming future Buddha in Buddhist eschatology) has already appeared on our screens. [Read more →]

religion & philosophytrusted media & news

Lucifer Watch: ATF looking for 3 ‘persons of interest’ in East Texas church infernos

Last week I mused in an entirely speculative fashion on who the culprits behind the recent spate of church burnings in East Texas might be, suggesting that the Feds might want to look for Lords of Chaos- reading, Burzum-listening, Satan-loving Black Metal fans. Others, less attuned to the dark arts than myself, have somewhat drearily suggested Muslims or ‘Sarah Palin hating liberals’. [Read more →]

diatribestrusted media & news

Five things officially true this week

Kids should be shot. Measles/mumps/rubella (MMR) vaccine does not cause a reaction in children’s bowels that causes autism. What? Bowels? Somebody believed that? Somewhere Jenny McCarthy stamps her little foot and tosses her blond hair, and yet is still not a doctor.

Bigger kids should be wrapped in duct tape. [Read more →]

travel & foreign landstrusted media & news

Lucifer watch: Satanists attempt to infiltrate Russian police

Following yesterday’s entirely speculative post related to the possibility of Black Metal fans burning down churches in Texas, news reaches us from deepest Russia of an actual, full-on Satanic cult engaged in foul deeds:

Investigators say that the Saransk-based Nobilis Ordo Diaboli group recruited young people from across the region between 2003 and 2009. The cult’s founding members, 24-year-old Belarus national Alexander Kazakov and 23-year-old local Denis Danishin, face a number of charges, ranging from the sexual abuse of minors to battery. [Read more →]

religion & philosophytrusted media & news

Burn, baby, burn — churches go up in flames down in Texas

There was an interesting report on the AP today about a bunch of churches which have mysteriously gone up in flames down here in Texas since the new year. Well I say down here but actually it’s quite a drive from Austin to East Texas where most of the incinerated churches used to stand. [Read more →]

politics & governmenttrusted media & news

Obama SOARS on Rasmussen!

Read it and WEEP, Righties! From the low on December 22nd this is a recovery of eighty-one percent! Give or take. Hey, what is a rounding error among friends? Or enemies? Of course there are some complications. [Read more →]

politics & governmenttrusted media & news

Yeah, right

Five quotes stood out for me this week. Five public statements to which the only reasonable response could be, “Yeah, right.”

5. “I wish I’d been a better friend,” Casey Anthony. I guess being a “better human” is just a little too much to ask.

4. “You already give to Haitian relief — it’s called the income tax,” Rush Limbaugh. See number 5. [Read more →]

environment & naturetrusted media & news

Exaggeration nation: Clean diesel

Hey you. Want to watch a spec ad about killing yourself?

Sure you do.


sportstrusted media & news

Some thoughts on Chris Henry

As you may already know, Chris Henry, a 26-year old wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals, passed away this morning at 6:36 AM. Yesterday, Henry was involved in what North Carolina police termed a “domestic situation.” Following his fiancée’s departure from a home in North Carolina, Chris Henry jumped into the bed of the pickup truck she was driving and then — somehow — fell from the bed of the truck.


politics & governmenttrusted media & news

Polls? Don’t believe ’em… Don’t truss ’em… There is no such thing. Now.

Who knew a crayon could be so perilous an instrument? Like the rest of us, WH Press Secretary Robert Gibbs is learning many lessons lately. The hazards of a sharp tongue married to a dull wit were foremost Friday. [Read more →]

all worktechnology

Forced onto the grid

If a tree falls in the woods and there’s no one around to hear it, does it make a sound? Well, that depends on whether it has a Facebook page. Sounds ridiculous, huh? I thought the same thing when I recently applied for a job to be an interactive editor for a news website. [Read more →]

terror & wartrusted media & news

Conspicuous bravery behind enemy lines

Notoriously heedless of his own safety and well-being, President Obama plunged into the Global Struggle Against Man-Caused Disasters by appearing before an array of thousands of young, savage fighters from, as reported by respected frontline journalist Chris Matthews, the enemy camp. The rest of us know this institution as the US army service academy located at West Point, NY. [Read more →]

trusted media & news

Time magazine labels the “decade from hell” the worst decade ever

I don’t know if the year 2010 marks the beginning of a new decade or the end of the current one. In the scheme of things, it probably makes little difference. What’s another 365 days to a decade, really? Time magazine has already called it quits on this decade, naming it the “decade from hell”. Harsh words for a poor old decade. Upon further reflection, though, I think Time magazine may be on to something. Whether it was as bad as the decades that housed the Great Depression or World Wars, I wouldn’t know. But overall, it has been a pretty crappy few years. [Read more →]

animalstrusted media & news

The most bizarre fetish ever?

I suppose I shouldn’t have been surprised by this as humans are capable of doing/believing just about anything. But even so, I was a little caught off guard by this sad tale from Cornwall, one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles, where the locals even have their own language. I will say no more; just click on the link and immerse yourself in the joys and sorrows of the poor soul who can only get his jollies via frolicking in a mound of rancid manure.

Mr. Truscott was a child once, innocent, dreaming of an exciting adulthood… I suspect that this was not what he had in mind.

H/t: Rod Liddle

art & entertainmentmovies

A guessing game, featuring French ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri-Levy and ?

Which modern day martyr do you think Huffington Post contributor and ‘philosopher’ Bernard Henri-Levy is talking about here?

“Nothing will repair the days he has spent in prison. Nothing will erase the immense, unbelievable injustice he has been subjected to. Nothing will take away the hysteria of those ones who have never stopped pouring contempt upon him, hounding him through hatred and asking for his punishment as if we were living the darkest and most ferocious hours of the McCarthy era all over again. At least the nightmare is about to end. At least the end of the hell is looming. And this, for the time being, is what does matter.” [Read more →]

politics & governmenttrusted media & news

Birthplace of democracy abandons democracy; electorates yawn

This Thursday the European Union elected its first president — well, sort of. Naturally the peoples of the 27 state bloc were not permitted to vote. They didn’t even know who the candidates were. Leaders decided to spare their electorates the trouble by making the choice for them behind closed doors. After early reports that Tony Blair might win, it turned out that France and Germany were opposed to giving him yet another platform to strut about on, and he quickly faded from view. With 27 sets of national interests to balance, the final candidates were always going to be selected from the most bland and inoffensive countries in the bloc. [Read more →]

politics & governmenttrusted media & news

The truth about Fort Hood

“Every thing is what it is, and not another thing.”

Bishop Joseph Butler (1692-1752)

Like everybody else, when I first heard about the shootings at Fort Hood I immediately rushed to judgment, assuming that anybody opening fire on soldiers on an army base in Texas expected to die. Thus the shooter was either 1) a soldier who had cracked or 2) a priapic jihadist aroused by the thought of all those virgins in paradise. Reasoning that an armed Islamist would struggle to penetrate Fort Hood’s security, I concluded that the shooter was probably an unfortunate soldier gone berserk. A few hours later however I discovered secret option 3) that the “alleged” shooter Nidal Hasan was both a soldier and a jihadi nutbag — an entirely new hybrid, in other words. [Read more →]

politics & governmenttrusted media & news

SATAN RULES! The shocking true story behind Obama’s Nobel win

Like any halfway sentient member of the human race I reacted to the news of Obama’s Nobel win last week with disbelief, a response which soon gave way to scorn and ridicule, before finally settling into a nasty sinking feeling. [Read more →]

politics & governmenttrusted media & news

Is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a self-loathing Jew?

Over the weekend the Daily Telegraph published a very amusing story about Mahmoud ‘there are no gays in Iran’ Ahmadinejad. According to the paper: [Read more →]

on the lawtrusted media & news

Roman Polanski: The curious case of a too-short blanket

Justice in Roman Polanski’s case will never be served, because his case is not about justice. It’s about this week’s opportunity for everyone who weighs in on it to grandstand as a defender of justice and protector of the underdog, each side conspicuously yanking the blanket of public attention to keep its own listing stack of arguments warm while leaving the salient points of the other side hanging. There’s no blanket big enough.

“He’s a child rapist!” — “He’s an artist!” — “He’s a child rapist!” — “He’s an artist!” — “A child rapist!” — “An artist!” — “A child rapist!” — “An artist!”

A plague o’ both their houses. He’s a child rapist and an artist. [Read more →]

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