Entries Tagged as 'easy weeknight dinners'

recipes & food

Easy weeknight dinners: Wild Alaskan Salmon with Asian flavors

You should eat Wild Alaskan salmon for three reasons: 1.It is arguably the best tasting salmon in the world. 2. It is packed full of nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. 3. It is an ecologically responsible choice. In fact, the Alaskan wild salmon industry is a model for sustainable seafood practices all over the world. This month, Alaskan King salmon is at its peak. The King salmon is the most highly prized variety of wild salmon. It has a vibrant flavor and color and it is highly nutritious. I recommend purchasing Wild Alaskan King Salmon at the following locations until the end of the season (about 4 more weeks);  


recipes & food

Easy weeknight dinners: A girl and her broccoli

I love broccoli. Sautéed, roasted, steamed, mashed, broccoli in all its forms is fine with me. This weekend at my local Farmers Market I was giddy to buy the first broccoli of the season, and it seemed like my farmer friend was pretty giddy to be selling it to me. I went home and made a delicious broccoli soup. Filling, nutritious, and so easy to make, what else could you ask for!? [Read more →]

recipes & food

Easy weeknight dinners: summer veggie burritos

Take advantage of the fresh veggies at the Farmers Market right now when making these simple vegetarian burritos!

Summer Veggie Burritos: Serves 2

Ingredients: One ear of fresh corn (kernels removed from the cob), 4 large flour tortillas, 2 handfuls of shiitake mushrooms (you can substitute another mushroom variety), 2 cloves of garlic, 1 minced jalapeno without the seeds, 1/4 of a red onion, 4 ripe tomatoes, a few sprigs of finely chopped cilantro, salt and pepper, 1 cup of cotija cheese, 2 ripe avocados, and 2 Tbsp of butter or olive oil.


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