Birthers at State?
The racist loons infesting the Republicans and the Republic have truly achieved a frightening prominence. Consider these impolite and impolitic questions they are raining upon our beloved President:
First they demand a Full Name… FULL! With the middle, any suffixes, prefixes, titles, assignments, hyphenations… the full boat. The date of birth, place of birth and social security number. This the President must supply without fail. This may not seem too audacious but just you wait.
Then they demand a listing of all relations, living and deceased and their citizenship status. Stepfathers and mothers are as requisit as those who actually contributed a chromosome. The President’s well known herd of half brothers and sisters left by his father across every land and nation you could name is attacked, obviously and maliciously with this outrageous inquisition.
Then these freaks go from deranged to depraved with the following demands: [Read more →]