10. He started horsing around, and then things just got out of hand.
9. His ex-girlfriend once told him he was hung like one.
8. Seriously, have you seen that horse?!
7. During the playoffs, he misheard when someone said he should be rooting for the Phillies!
6. He read one of the signs of the swine flu was feeling a little hoarse.
5. He knew he’d never have to pay palimony to a palomino.
4. The horse looks exactly like his old girlfriend.
3. He claims he was looking for a stable relationship.
2. His daughter said, for her next birthday, she was hoping for a pony.
1. He was put up to it – by a small step stool.
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: animals, Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, ends & odd, on the law by Bob Sullivan