Top ten answers to the question, “How cold is it?”
10. It’s so cold, Lady Gaga’s charbroiling her meat dress before putting it on
9. It’s so cold, opticians at LensCrafters are giving away free ice scrapers with every new pair of glasses
8. It’s so cold, TSA agents are required to put on mittens before fondling you
7. It’s so cold, the Statue of Liberty decided to hold her torch under her robe
6. It’s so cold, Miley Cyrus is lighting her bong just for the warmth
5. It’s so cold, Charlie Rangel was spotted with his hands in his own pockets
4. It’s so cold, yesterday I chipped a tooth on my Cup-a-Soup
3. It’s so cold, Al Gore recently came out in favor of global warming
2. It’s so cold, Glenn Beck has requested he be sent to Hell earlier than scheduled
1. It’s so cold, Brett Favre is just describing his junk to women
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.