10. “Today is Mother’s Day?!”
9. “What do you mean, ‘What is it?’ – It’s a nose hair trimmer!”
8. “Uncle Dad knows about us!”
7. “I’m taking you out to dinner, but we have to hurry; this coupon is only good until six.”
6. “Great news! We’re placing you in a home!”
5. “Here are all the ingredients for a great Mother’s Day dinner. All you have to do is cook it!”
4. “‘Love’ is too strong a word, but I certainly don’t loathe you!”
3. “Of course these flowers aren’t stolen from a funeral home. That banner just means, when you go to bed tonight, I hope you rest peacefully.”
2. “Here’s your gift, Mom: it’s a DVD of Oedipus Rex –- you sexy thing you!”
1. “I don’t know how to break this to you. You think you’re my birth mother, but I was actually adopted.”
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, family & parenting by Bob Sullivan
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