10. They gave you a “World’s Greatest Dad” mug, but they crossed out ‘Greatest’ and wrote in ‘Largest.’
9. They’ve sent several anonymous letters to the Arizona legislature concerning your immigration status.
8. They save the term ‘Daddy’ for the FedEx guy.
7. They bought you a toaster and claim it’s “shower safe.”
6. They bought you a recently caught Gulf Coast trout.
5. Their nickname for you is ‘The Sperm Donor’.
4. They tell everyone they’re adopted, and their real dad is a homeless alcoholic.
3. They bought their mother The Big Book of Divorce Attorneys.
2. They keep telling neighborhood gangs you have the ability to catch bullets with your bare hands.
1. For Father’s Day, they gave you a Do-It-Yourself Vasectomy Kit.
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Tags: Bob Sullivan's top ten everything, ends & odd, family & parenting by Bob Sullivan
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