Lauren likes TV: Wisteria Lane will never be the same
Last Week’s Roundup
Desperate Housewives, ABC, 9PM — On Sunday, Wisteria Lane lost one of its best neighbors, Edie Britt. After the accident and electrocution, we weren’t sure of her fate, but now we know she’s gone for good. In my eyes, Nicolette Sheridan was the best part of the show (I’ve been a big time fan since her role as Paige on “Knot’s“). She brought entertainment, fun, and flavor to the somewhat monotonous life of suburbia (though, the show has been great this past season). Now who is going to make fun of Susan, come between marriages, or jog practically naked around the neighborhood? Mrs. McCluskey? Speaking of, another thing I will miss dearly: the friendship between Karen and Edie. It was priceless (poor Mrs. McCluskey… first Ida, now Edie). However, I do think the writers did Edie justice by honoring her life through flashbacks, which show Edie in a much different light, and by having each girlfriend sprinkle her ashes where Edie ultimately felt most at home. She will always be a part of “the Lane.”
Others Noteworthy
Brothers & Sisters — Ahhh, the Walkers. Kevin and Scotty almost have a threesome with Smith Jerrod, Sarah gets laid by the temp (“Ojai Dudes”), Kitty’s emotional affair is coming to a head, and Nora’s lover divorced his wife for her. Now if Justin would only cut his hair. He is starting to resemble Jimmy Neutron. Then maybe Rebecca would finally take him back and cut ties to the “other” Walker, Ryan.
24 — Not that the show isn’t good, but really Tony? You’re flipping sides again? It’s getting a bit ridiculous. And I had expected more out of Jon Voight. His heinous behavior wasn’t nearly as evil as his role as Coach Kilmer in Varsity Blues. Where was that Jon Voight? His real life daughter, Angelina Jolie, could have played a better villain, with her blood necklace, and tattoos, and army of terrorists, I mean children (just kidding Angie!).
90210 — Is anyone else sick of all the so-called “sponsorships” within TV shows, the new way of selling ad-space in lieu of commercials due to Tivo and DVR? This week’s episode of 90210 was a Dr. Pepper commercial. And no Dixon, Dr. Pepper is not a necessity on a road trip. Everyone knows what road trips require and that’s Mountain Dew, or Red Bull and vodka.
Cupid — We have officially broken up.
What To Watch, week of 4/20
Gossip Girl — Our favorite brats from the U.E.S. return, as does Serena from her trip with Poppy and boyfriend Gabriel. Obviously, something scandalous went down in Spain or it just wouldn’t be G.G. Viva backstabbing!
One Tree Hill — The creepy, silent preview featuring Peyton in her car pulling up to a stop sign reek of a major accident.
Grey’s Anatomy & Private Practice — They’re new, but I’m not sure why you should tune in for any other reason but that.
Brothers & Sisters — Kitty’s emotional affair is exposed. Will she and Robert work through it? According to my Magic 8 Ball, “Signs Point To Yes,” but you can never be sure.
Happy April 20th. I’m sure Up In Smoke is playing somewhere, sometime…
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I’m happy that you are still watching One tree Hill, I have to say I think it’s still really good! Bummed that new hot guy left already but so predictable Brooke will be back with him at the end. Few more episodes left! I think Payton will die with her baby.
I didn’t like the way Edie died in Desperate Housewives, why did they kill her off is she doing another show?
Brothers and Sisters- I think they will break up, Robert is boring!
And last Gossip Girl, how did Nathan and and Blaire get back together? The last I saw he was with the black girl I don’t remember her name. What happened???