terror & wartrusted media & news

Pathetic Military Action

Was anyone else at first baffled by the koran-burning mob attack? As far as anyone outside Jones’s congregation knew, the koran burning was proposed then cancelled weeks ago. So what happened? He thought about it and went ahead and did it a few days ago. Had you heard? Hell naw. There was a total news blackout on it. No “responsible” media wanted to foment… oh, I don’t know, a mass attack on a UN compound that might result in some good old-fashioned kaffir beheading. Of course some malefactor with a vested interest in foment informed the ass-up praying crowd at the next opportunity. Was this Ossama or some other renegade mufti we are trying to paint with a laser sight? Nope, it was Harmid Karzai, the “President” of A-stan and now that Mubarak is on the unemployment line he is the highest paid employee on the US payroll.

 Heaps of amazing and disgusting things are demonstrated here and none of them justly adhere to Jones. Did he burn a koran? Yeppers. What of it? If the jews in Israel were to rampage and pop the tops off of some UN staffers whenever an Israeli flag is burned here in the States, would anyone blame those burning it? Not a soul. So why is everyone from Obama to Petreaus indicting Jones, absolving the choppers and forgetting, apparently, that there was nothing illegal nor improper in this expressive combustion?

Everyone knows the answer: because the goatfuckers are NOT amenable to shaming from us or anyone else. They would just form a NEW mob to protest this yet further insult to islam. Everyone on the team in media and government wants to keep things quiet, if possible. This crapulent event demonstrates that it is NOT possible and efforts to simply keep a lid on the famous “muslim street” will fail with bloody results.

But there was one staggering success story here. That is the comprehensive blackout of Jones’s koran burning party from ALL news in America and the rest of the West. Had you heard of Jones’s protest against islam? NO news outlets of any sort covered this. None. While it was kept from US audiences, which means it was verboten in english and in many other languages, it wasn’t kept secret from the opportunistic murderers sipping tea and playing dominoes in Kandahar. Not for 24 hours. Not for 24 minutes. And was it some fugitive mufti like Ossama that stirred up this pot? No, it was Karzai, OUR man; previously declared with great confidence to be bought and paid for. If Karzai had simply wanted to cause the damage on the ground, the vicious mass assault, he could have easily gotten this information out quietly, through a proxy. He didn’t do that. Whatever plausible use Karzai had yesterday he has publicly thrown it all away today. He has thrown it in our national face. Our one Sensible Man has claimed the mantle of International Jihadi Number One. He has just declared that, as far as he is concerned Afghanistan is an islamist state in the model of Iran. And he himself is Ayatollah Apparent.
While Karzai is out and proud for his side WE are muddying our every position in the Middle East, seeking desparately in Egypt, Syria and Libya for those “moderate muslims”, you know the ones, those who believe, practice and declare that Jihad is not a holy war, no no no. It is not even kinetic military action. Rather it is an internal struggle best pursued through meditation or sufi style twirling. If these people exist(and they do) they are certainly keeping their heads down. We seek some objection from this quarter of the sacking horde in vain. None will dispute that Jones’s burning of his koran in Florida is an intollerable insult. Of course so is the printing years ago of the Posten cartoons of muhammed which produced a riot then which killed only a few obscure unfortunates who stood in its path. The cartoons which all “responsible” parties had hoped would be forgotten, are also part of Karzai’s bill against the West, while even today, this very moment, he is sending us the bills for his lavish lifestyle, private army and most of the public expenses of this depraved, bloodsoaked and defiant corner of oblivion. Karzai though, still qualifies as a White Hat. The bad guys are the Taliban and they are very bad indeed but if we were to discover bin Hidin’, dust him off and put him in Karzai’s chair, would there be any measurable difference? Only one. And it is quite a doozy. If bin Laden were installed even the Obama administration would be on board with targetting heavy weapons on our newly clarified enemies.

Solution? There is only one, it is a no good one but it is all there is. As W decided and others have echoed, these numberless and expanding pathetic military actions do not amount to a war on islam. Left unanswered is whether or not islam is at war with us. It is unanswered because everyone knows the answer. Hell YES islam is at war with us. Every single goatfucker? Nope. But we weren’t at war with every German either. Yet Germany was lashed into submission. ALL of Germany. Only after that was done was the decades long task of sorting out the rubble undertaken. At the height of the war, would a nazi recruiting drive in Berlin have been a valid target for a B-29 strike? The technology of the day made that question moot, like the nature of a unicorn. But it is doubtless, isn’t it? that the answer is a resounding yes. And if we had been able then, as we can now, to target a block or a podium with high accuracy, would Roosevelt not have done so? To fail to employ this legitimate military option which nips prospective enemy soldiers in the bud while providing real support to what few anti-nazi germans were lurking about would have been impeachable incompetence.

The islamists are different here only in their deliberate obscurity. But they can only do so much from obscurity. They must recruit and seek finance and support. This they do, as we have seen, with sick, orgiastic rallies declaring their intent. Going forward these freak shows that recruit and incite violent jihad need to be treated like a nest of rats, for such they are. So-called “incitements” like Jones and the cartoons and YOUR continued respiration will produce continual crisis that should not go to waste. The entire umma needs to know that when they show up to burn effigies and flags AND declare that they are on the path to bring murder, rape, slaughter and savagery to OUR doorstep there is a good chance that their little party will be interrupted with lead, fire, explosion and every other death-dealing method at our disposal.

If there really are significant numbers of “moderates” on the ground they will have a longer life expectancy, if not by much, than the so-called “radicals”. They will also have a much stronger case to make that moderation, such as it is, is the only path to a future that does not include the Twelfth Imam showing up to do his thing. Will this cause a further radicalization of the radicals? Oh, hell yeah. But if this IS a war, and it is, the provoking of dedicated jihadis to expose themselves and hurl their filthy carcasses through the streets in a fury is a tactical and strategic positive. It provides a target rich environment where even our less-smart munitions can have their day.

Of course there are problems with this course, not the least of which is that said freak shows occur not just in the putrid alleys of the East but in the occassional London street rally, or San Francisco mosque. Yes, the muslims here and there in the West have their First Ammendment or other rights but they sure as hell don’t have any more than Pastor Jones. Or they should not. In reality their eagerness to go feral has discouraged law enforcement from keeping the same screws on them that Jones and you or I would suffer were we to advocate an anti-jihad as thorough and brutal as jihad. This must stop. Those who advocate jihad as a holy war must be warred upon in turn. Those who cross the line from peaceable assembly to advocating war must feel the full brunt of the law. There must be a firm enforcement domestically of the Riot Act, here, in the UK, in nations where we are fighting, in Europe, indeed on any square inch of earth that we are not prepared to cede over to the goatfuckers and their twisted satanic anti-god. 

The chance of a vigorous anti-jihad being prosecuted by Obama? Zero. By McCain or Bush? Likewise. It is time to admit that despite the herculean efforts of that decent but naive fellow W and many other soft-headed children, the nerf-based foreign policy in place since driving the Taliban from Kandahar has failed. In Iraq there has been some success in moderating the conditions to something impersonating basic decency but do not forget that this was ony after a complete and utter destruction of the previous Baathist regime AND islamist opportunists both local and foreign; both Sunni and Shia. Nothing short of that has any hope of success. Absent radical improvement we will have radical dissolution, desolation and destruction that absolutely will reach our interests and then our shores as it has already. Political Islam must be broken. It must be irretrievably broken, it must be publicly broken and inarguably broken. Above all it must be publicly admitted that political islam has been broken and, as with Baathism and Nazi-ism, it must be exposed as the utter futility and depravity it is. It must not be tolerated. It must be exterminated quite literally. If it is not, it will prevail. It will win. Is that unthinkable? How plausible would the unanimous and metaphysical news blackout on Jones’s bonfire have seemed last week? Our own media… ALL of it colluded out of fear. Will our other institutions prove more durable? Not by much friends, not by much. Finally you, yes YOU will be herded out and bent down five times a day, shouting Allahu Ahkbar whether you believe it or not no matter how pliable you are otherwise. Or like so many christians, jews, atheists, drinkers, homos, fornicators or just inconveniently existing people you will be crushed, your head displayed as a trophy and all you know turned into a shithole that will make today’s Afghanistan look like paradise.

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