Stephanie’s Secret
Okay, I admit it. I read The Secret. Loved it. Have the “wish board,” or whatever you call it. At the risk of sounding crazy, I have to agree that there is something to this “power of positive thinking” or “Law of Attraction” deal. For those of you who’ve somehow managed to escape hearing about it, the basic premise is that what you think about is what you bring to your life, good or bad.
Near the end of 2008, I decided that I wanted to write a book. And I did. I just kind of asked for the words to come and they did. 44, 461 words, in fact. I don’t really know how, seeing as I have no previous writing experience or training, but it happened and I’m grateful.
Getting what you ask for works in mysterious ways, too. Everyone has heard the phrase, “Be careful what you wish for, because it may come true.” When I asked for money to come my way, I wasn’t expecting it to come in the form of a severance check after being laid off. But hey, I didn’t ask how to get it, I just asked for it.
Amazingly enough, being laid off freed me up to find my new job, working for a start-up company. None of us are getting paid yet and it is the hardest I have ever worked, but it is the most rewarding job I’ve ever had. I would never have quit a paying job, especially in this economy, to work for free, but since I wasn’t getting paid anyway, I had nothing to lose. I’ve always wanted to do something that makes a positive difference in the world and we are going to do that. It’s awesome. Just imagine how cool it will be when I start getting a paycheck!
In the meantime, I’m currently receiving the 100 million dollars that I requested — if you’re going to dream, dream big, right? — in rather small increments through the State of Florida’s unemployment program. Never dreamed I’d be on “the dole,” but thank God for it. But, it’s temporary; I’m positive the bigger paychecks are already on their way.
On an extremely personal level, I’m coming up on one year of sobriety. That is not something that I ever imagined would be a good thing, but it has turned out to be a huge gift and source of pride, gratitude, and inspiration in my life.
All of this stuff that is making me so happy and fulfilled comes from simply believing I can do it. That’s it. I just needed to hear that everything I want is within my reach if I believe in my place in, and my connection to, the universe. Please feel free to roll your eyes at that, I’m aware that all of this sounds sickeningly optimistic. But, really, if all I can control in the world is how I perceive things that happen in my life, why not perceive them in an optimistic way? It sure makes day-to-day life more fun.
I hope this doesn’t come off sounding like an infomercial for a self-help book. I just wanted to report how great I was feeling about my life and this new year. I hope it brings good things for all of us. It’s looking to be one hell of a fun ride for me.
P.S. The new love, the man — he hasn’t shown up yet. But if he’s out there and happens to read this, I’m available on alternate weekends and I like sushi. Get a move on! :-)
Latest posts by Stephanie West (Posts)
- When Jeb farts in bed it feels like a hate crime…and other cases of smelling too much - June 18, 2012
- A Visit to New York at 38 Years of Age - June 11, 2012
- Stephanie’s Secret - January 17, 2009
- New Year’s with Callie - January 1, 2009
- Turning it off - December 2, 2008

I love you! I think you are one heck of a wonderful woman!
Thanks Shana! Right back at ya!
I’d love to go out with you for sushi on the alternate weekend.
And after reading this post, I’m curious why you were perplexed by what Sandy said the other day? Maybe we could have a more in depth discussion about that over sashimi or a rainbow roll or whatever you prefer.