The Fairness Fraud: The damage is real, the prosperity was not
Sadly, Bernie Madoff loses the top spot for Swindler of the Era. That’s right, there’s someone out there who lies, cheats, and steals more than him. Who? It is the modern socialist who populates every corner of public discourse from the United States Congress and White House to the European Parliament and beyond.
So how does the socialist engineer his fraud? He uses simple democratic methods and bribery. To get himself in the top political spot, the socialist uses goods and services created and paid for by others to pay off his constituency. Of course, he disguises this transfer with fancy concepts: fairness and equality to name a few. The recipients fall into this trap when their greed gets the best of them. “I can retire at 55.” “I can get a free college education.” “I can get a discounted mortgage.” It all sounds good and why not vote for the guy who promises all this stuff, especially when he delivers it through the rule of law?
During the past sixty years, the socialist has certainly fulfilled his promises. He provides health care in Europe. Early retirement in Greece. Discounted mortgages in the United States. College educations most everywhere. And so the list goes on. Like Bernie Madoff’s victims, large swaths of the population saw a fantastic return on their votes. Hence, they invested more and more into the socialist who gave it to them, probably thinking the good times would last forever.
Of course the socialist never fully explained the cost of these goodies. He clouded the math with calls to “make the rich pay” to “control costs” to “increase efficiency.” Fact of the matter is, the socialist can never deliver on his promises because it is mathematically impossible. Think about it this way. One person puts forth enough effort to generate $100 of value per week but draws $200 in cost to the central system for all those great programs. “Not to worry,” the socialist says. “There’s a rich guy over there who can make up the difference.” Simple enough, right? However, eventually there are too many people collecting on the socialist promises and not enough people producing value to provide them. “Still not to worry,” insists the socialist. “We’ll borrow the difference.”
This is exactly what has happened in most of Europe and the United States. As much as the socialists have stolen from the so-called rich, they can’t get enough pennies into the piggybank to meet the cost of their wonderful, ever-growing programs. They bowed to China in search of easy money like a drug addict sniffing glue because he can’t afford cocaine. Now the Chinese are worried about payment and are flexing their muscles the way any good loan shark does when he smells a deadbeat.
No matter what the socialist says, his system does not produce the necessary goods and services to meet his constituency’s expectations. A 32-hour work week with a month and a half of vacation does not generate enough value to support mass retirement at the age of 55, no-expense quality health care for all, discounted housing, tuition support, and child subsidies, to name a few. Any fool who believes that deserves the meager rations he will ultimately get from these liars, because in the end, every socialist system reverts to authoritarian schemes of distribution.
And here comes the biggest heartache of all. For all his talk about equality, fairness, justice, and improving the lot of the masses, the socialist has done nothing but impoverish and destroy. Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy, as well as France, Germany, and the United States, are so far in hock there is no light at the end of the tunnel. Default and inflation are the only solution. An illusion of affluence remains because the balance sheet is tipped steeply toward the liabilities.
The prosperity was never real, never honest. It was a fantasy of borrowed money doled out by a bunch of liars who will never admit to their own deceitful ways. Dozens of failures would be enough to convince any ethical entity that they need to reevaluate their political philosophy. Not this gang. This time, they’re going to get it right.
Guess again.
Riots plague European capitals because the populace that paid heavy taxes and believed devoutly in the falsehoods are finally waking up to reality. There’s nothing left but fancy pieces of paper. No one even remembers the names of those great socialists who built the crumbling structure of deceit. Who were they? Where are they now? Oh, the ones alive are typically hobnobbing with their Hollywood chums or lollygagging about at universities giving a lecture or two on how much better things were when they were in charge, which only means when there was more to steal from someone else to prop up their Utopia in the making. The poor guy in the street, the average working person, he’s getting the shaft, all the while never taking the time to see who actually deceived him. It was the socialist who convinced him to believe in something that was too good to be true.
And you know, if it’s too good to be true, it probably is.
Latest posts by Daniel Putkowski (Posts)
- The most successful president ever - December 27, 2010
- The Fairness Fraud: The damage is real, the prosperity was not - December 20, 2010
- Why China will win: A tale of two cultures - December 15, 2010
- It’s bottom of the ninth, Congress, and you’re up to bat - November 30, 2010
- The best bailout is a self-bailout: Making unemployment a win-win - July 16, 2010

This is the biggest load of crap I have ever read!
Wow Dan I knew you and Heather were conservative but. . .
Hmm. I’m not sure what draws attention to so old a post but here we are. Neither Craig nor the enticingly ycrept K express anything but revulsion. Can you dispute any of the facts or characterizations above? Well, I suppose if you could have, you would have. Poor showing, fellows. Well said, Dan.