Enough about Christine O’Donnell, let’s discuss Chris Coons
For the past couple of days, Christine O’Donnell has been under serious attack from the liberal media for describing one of her first dates, way back when she was a teenager, on Bill Maher’s “show” back in the late 1990s. It has really annoyed me, so much so that I wrote about it two days ago.
But what is really happening in this situation?
Easy. The liberal media is attacking Christine O’Donnell because they can’t defend Mr. Chris Coons, an open, self proclaimed Marxist, nor his policy positions. Let’s have a look…
Imagine the following scenario:
A young child is at home with her single mom. Mom is in the kitchen, cooking dinner after an exhausting day at work, and the young child is in the living room watching the Cartoon Network.
Suddenly the child hears a loud crash from the kitchen and goes running to see what has happened. When the child gets to the kitchen, she finds her mother laying in the floor, unconscious, with a pot laying next to her and the food which was inside spreading out across the linoleum. The kid tries to wake her mother, but the woman is unresponsive to the pleading litany of “Mommy? Mommy are you ok? Mommy, please be ok! Please get up, Mommy!!! I’m scared, Mommy!” coming from the kid.
In what many of us would define as an act of bravery on the part of a little child, nay, an act of quick wit and heroism, the little kid grabs her mother’s cell phone off the kitchen table and dials 9-1-1.
But that’s not how Chris Coons would define the child’s act.
He says that as soon as the child picks up the phone and dials 9-1-1, it’s time for the government to step and punish the little crumb cruncher for trying to help her mother.
From the Washington Examiner:
Coons inherited a surplus. Celebrating victory on election night in 2004, he said his “top priority would be to continue balancing the budget without increasing property taxes,” according to an account in the local News Journal. Yet in 2006, he pushed through a 5 percent increase in property taxes. In 2007, he raised property taxes 17.5 percent. In 2009, he raised them another 25 percent.
Coons wanted to raise other taxes, too. He proposed a hotel tax, a tax on paramedic services, even a tax on people who call 911 from cell phones. [Emphasis mine – MM]
That’s right, Chris Coons wants to levy a tax against that child for trying to get help in an emergency…
Let’s take another scenario:
It’s about midnight.
A woman who was walking home late after work has just been robbed and raped at gun point and is laying at the back of a dark alley. As the criminals grab what they can of value, they snatch up her purse and her cell phone falls out and bounces under a near by dumpster.
The woman, bleeding and sobbing, crawls towards the front of the alley. As she pulls herself along, she finds her cell phone where it had fallen out of her purse, and through the blood coursing down into her eyes, through the terrible pain she is suffering, with her broken fingers, she dials 9-11…
It’s at this exact moment that Chris Coons wants to punish her. Wants to levy a tax against her. Wants to take money from this poor soul because she called for help.
Or how about this one?
In the inner city, a poor black mother is witness to a gang/drug related drive by shooting gone wrong. Her youngest son was mistakenly gunned down by hoodlums who had the wrong address and lies bleeding on the front lawn, riddled with bullets.
Frantic, the woman grabs her cell phone and dials 9-1-1 to try to get the police and an ambulance.
To Chris Coons, she has just committed an offense that deserves having the government rob her of her meager income. In the act of trying to save her child, she has incurred Mr. Coons’s wrath.
What a horrible man he is for even thinking about this tax. He has taken Rahm Emmaunel’s “Never let a good crisis go to waste” to an absurd level, using personal emergencies as an opportunity for the government to loot citizens of even more money.
It’s time to stop focusing on something stupid Ms. O’Donnell did when she was a teenager. Every single one of us did something stupid as a teenager. Every single one of us has dated someone when we were younger that, today, we wish we hadn’t dated.
But Mr. Coons is, to this day, pushing to punish people who are simply trying to get desperately needed help.
No wonder the liberal media doesn’t want to have an open, honest comparison of these two candidates. If the guy I was pulling for wanted to punish children for trying to help their mother, I wouldn’t want that comparison to happen either.
I have been asked to provide more sources about the claim that Mr. Coons proposed changes to the area’s 9-11 services. The best I can find thus far is inference, from an account of what took place at a Jan 22nd, 2009 Listening Campaign.
Edgemoor, Del. – Eastern Brandywine Hundred residents certainly aren’t clamoring to have their taxes increased, but many at a recent public forum said they are willing to pay more to keep vital services intact.
Much of the testimony a Jan. 22 Listening Campaign at the Edgemoor Community Center focused on the need for a strong police presence in the community, and for parks and libraries where at-risk youth can thrive.
The meeting was the first of twelve scheduled stops, where County Executive Chris Coons, Council President Paul Clark and a host of other officials and department heads will visit to present a simple message: there’s not enough money to maintain current service levels.
Carolyn Mercadante, of Claymont, said she too was willing to pay more.
“If I have to dial 911, I want somebody at my door ASAP,” she said. “I, for one, want all my services intact, and I’m willing to pay the price.”
Why was she scared that they were going to restrict 9-11 services?
Update 2:
Maybe because she’d just sat through Mr. Coons’s presentation?
When you read through the presentation’s Powerpoint, you’ll see that it was obvious that 9-11 services, and other Emergency Services, were being discussed. They discussed the costs they were experiencing for emergency response, the number of calls they were getting, and dedicated a full slide (number 20) to showing that half the budget was comprised of 9-11 services, and similar institutions like the police and the fire department. All this in a presentation designed to convince people to raise taxes or face cuts.
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Unbelievable!! The media is so biased! I really can’t stand how they simply refuse to do their jobs, which should be simply to report the news. The Left Stream Media needs to stop covering up for these loser liberal candidates.