Fire Safety Cigarettes
You know what I hate? These new ” Fire Safety Cigarettes “. Talk about an absolutely horrible idea!
These things make the cigarette taste down right nasty. The smoke gives you a headache. The cigarettes break along the paper strips if you flick them too hard. They go out with frightening regularity while you smoke them . And “They” used this as an excuse to jack the costs on us (again).
But do you wanna know the worst part? They don’t even work. Sure, they go out while you’re smoking them, but if you set one down, it continues to burn away, merrily as you please, defeating the whole purpose behind the new design.
For example: I was out in the woods working today, finished my cigarette, and “field stripped” it, as is my custom. Field stripping a cigarette means tearing off the unsmoked tobacco above the filter so that you can stash the butt in your pocket. I always do this because cigarette butts do litter up the place pretty quickly if the smokers around aren’t conscientious about them and clean them up regularly.
Anyway, I field stripped my smoke, and flicked the tobacco portion of the cig, dropping the butt in my back pocket, then continued to mark timber. As I worked my way around the area, I began to smell wood smoke. I quickly retraced my steps to where I had finished my cigarette to find that the little sucker had burned right up and had started some dead oak leaves to smouldering.
The fire safety cigarette had started a fire! Imagine that. A 600 degree ember managed to catch something else on fire, despite the best efforts of our legislators to prevent that common sense cause and effect relationship from happening. Mind boggling, isn’t it?
It is absolutely amazing to me how we see this phenomena repeated over and over again. The temerity of the people in the halls of power these days to think that they can legislate away the laws of nature. It is insane. From the wackos in DC thinking that they can pass a bill that will force Mother Nature to stop heating and cooling HER planet to the morons who think that every single human being will be thin and in perfect health if the government dictates to us what our diet should be, despite genetic tendencies that each of us have in regards to our physical appearance, these retards are all suffering from some serious delusions about the level of power they truly have.
We cannot alter physics at the whim and command of Congress. We cannot pass laws that will prevent the human body from following its genetic blueprint. Hell, we can’t even get a cigarette to stop burning when we set it down.
But that doesn’t stop the people who are drunk on power from trying, while costing us boat loads of money and removing our freedoms at the same time.
I tell ya, if I wasn’t addicted to nicotine, I’d stop smoking these new cigarettes.
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Mike, I switched to e-cigarettes last year and have easily kicked the analog habit.