Afghanistan is all Obama’s fault
Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele said yesterday that the Afghanistan War was of “Obama’s choosing” and that the president should’ve known from history that a war there was unwinnable.
Of course, he couldn’t be more correct.
It was early in his -2nd term as president, on October 7, 2001, that President Obama — who seemingly learned nothing from his mistakes in executing the Vietnam War — recklessly launched this war that — according to Steele — “was not something that the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in.”
If only a Republican president had been in power at the time, he or she would’ve certainly known what Steele knows; that is, “the one thing you don’t do, is engage in a land war in Afghanistan.”
If only President Obama had been a student of history like Steele he would’ve known that no foreign power had ever successfully subdued that region — not the Ancient Greeks, nor the Mongols, nor the British Empire.
Not even the Soviets could pull it off.
Why was Obama so arrogant to think we could succeed where so many before us failed?
Was it his misguided belief in American Exceptionalism? The absurd notion that we as a country can accomplish anything. Or was it his Wilsonian quest to reshape the world in America’s image? A quest that any child who’s ever tried to push a square peg into a round hole will tell you is nothing but folly.
Or was it that he just listened far too much to the neoconservatives in his party? Such as his warmongering vice-president.
Whatever the reason, we know it will be up to Steele’s Republicans to fix this Democratic mess, by bringing our troops home as soon as they take control. After all, they are the party of peace, and limited government, and have often called for what George W. Bush once famously termed, “a humble foreign policy.”
And under the leadership and wisdom of people like Steele, we can be certain they will prevail and end our long national nightmare.
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If Obama had studied his history (or at least watched “Rambo III” which was released in 1988 just after Obama took office), he would have known that the people of Afghanistan have never given up to anyone. They’d rather die than be slaves to an invading army. You can’t defeat a people like that.
Perhaps viewing the Rambo trilogy should be added to the Constitution, as one of the prerequisites of becoming president.