Exaggeration nation: Military recruiters
The line of attack against Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is that she wouldn’t let military recruiters on the campus of Harvard law school back when she was the Dean. Republican Senator Jeff Sessions: “This is no little-bitty matter.” Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich: “I see no reason why you would appoint an anti-military Supreme Court justice.”
According to Kagan’s predecessor, Gingrich and Sessions are misinformed. See, Harvard has a rule that you’re not allowed to recruit on campus if you discriminate against homosexuals, and the leadership felt that “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” violates that rule. Still, after some debate, Harvard decided to make an exception for the recruiters, who were allowed to recruit on campus for all but one semester during Kagan’s tenure as Dean.
So rest easy, patriots.
Anyway, the debate sucks because it is just too symbolic. Let’s pause and note the underlying reality of the situation: recruiting Harvard Law grads for the armed services sound like the crappiest job ever. Pity the recruiters setting up their booth next to that of some Wall Street firm or consulting behemoth. Know how many Harvard law grads actually enlist? About three per year, according to the Boston Globe.
Turns out that this really is a little-bitty matter, after all.
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