The world is not America’s toilet
Recently, a video surfaced showing what appears to be United States military personnel urinating on what appear to be corpses. The video is shocking, so I would prefer not to embed it here. If you want to see it, you can click on the image of president Obama below:
Reaction has been justifiable shock and anger, especially from people in our government. Leon Panetta, the politician who runs the defense department, said,
“I have seen the footage, and I find the behavior utterly deplorable… I condemn it in the strongest possible terms.”
Hillary Clinton, the politician who runs the state department, said,
“Anyone found to have participated or known about it, having engaged in such conduct, must be held fully accountable.”
“The United States remains strongly committed to helping build a secure, peaceful, prosperous, democratic future for the people of Afghanistan, and we will continue to support efforts that will be Afghan-led and Afghan-owned to pursue the possibility of reconciliation and peace.”
This is not the America that I love, and the actions of those soldiers do not represent America. Urinating on corpses is not an American ideal. We do not urinate on corpses. That is wrong. America stands for much more than that.
In America, we send drones to kill and mutilate thousands of people in foreign countries every year. In America, we have a politician who uses his best discretion to decide when and where to start wars, which aren’t actually wars anyway they’re kinetic military actions. In America, that same politician decides, based on evidence that only he has access to, when to kill Americans overseas. In America, we send our forces into other countries to kill the people we deem to be enemies of our ideals. In America, we promote a global war on drugs that kills thousands of people every year. In America, we supply guns to drug lords in other countries, where more than thirty people are murdered every day. In America, we use subterfuge to undermine countries who do not share our ideals. We do this behind an almost impenetrable wall of secrecy; and when that wall of secrecy is breached, we swiftly punish the responsible parties to discourage its ever happening again. These are the things America stands for; they are part of our social contract.
The world is not our toilet. We do not urinate on corpses. That is just wrong. It is un-American.
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Things that are disdainfull happen in every war. This has happened since cavemen beat on each other with clubs. In WWII the prying out of teeth, the adorning your area with heads, the placing of grenades on living prisoners etc etc…. Genitals in the mouth, playing cards on dead bodies on and on and on in every war. So these Marines peed on some dead guys…. oh well, amped up 20 something year olds who just got in a fire fight pee on some dead bad guys. They are lucky these guys didn’t put the bodies in a port o potty and then left the remains of their last MRE all over their Jihad azzes. Hillary and Odumba should pick up a rifle and walk the walk beside these kids and stop running their pathetic mouths.
John, your sacasm and satire innoculations are working just fine.
That’s sarcasm, natch. Global cooling has effected my typing.
I have a soft spot in my heart for Marines who do dumb things…. I used to be one of em. I got the sarcasm and I totally agree and laughed with the article. My comment is aimed at the people ashamed and alarmed that some dead jihad johnnys got peed on. I’ve seen drunk Jarheads pee on each other….. now thats even funnier to watch.
And of course… we aren’t allowed to see video or pix of dead Usama or our soon-to-be-dead leaping from to Twin Towers to their deaths to avoid being burned alive; but we are force-fed wall-to-wall media coverage of the Taliban being p***d on? and barely a word or picture printed or played about how the Taliban rape, torture and murder in cold blood? Priorities, priorities…
John, your sacasm and satire innoculations are working just fine.
Awesomest quote so far this year…+1
John, maybe it is MY irony detectors that are on the fritz. Points well taken especially about friendly fire, and we aren’t talking about the in the head either. I was zoom but a cop and we trained with the jarheads, meaning we drank with them, of course. And it was the unwise gyreen who, say, passed out in an alleyway. No, his credit cards would not go missing but yes, he is liable to suffer at least a squad pissing. In that case, maybe we can see this incident as a bit of cultural outreach and who’s against that?
Hey, that rhymed!
“At least a squad pissing”?
What might they suffer at most? A sternly-worded note on the dangers of excessive drink?
Man, the victim would have no recourse.