Actually, I was hoping for tips on how to hone my rampaging and pillaging skills…
Look, I love the fact that the Viking Answer Lady exists at all, but her website is a teeny bit of a letdown. Take for example this disclaimer:
[I]t is the Viking Answer Lady’s goal to encourage more people to learn about the Viking Age, and some of the very best questions that I’ve been asked come from schoolchildren. So, what can the Viking Answer Lady do for students? I can direct you to books and other sources where your answers may be found. I can give you hints that will allow you to use your school library’s card catalogue more effectively. I can direct you to other websites with related information.
I’d bet most students who seek out the webpage of a self-proclaimed Viking Answer Lady aren’t writing papers but looking for a more effective way to exact revenge on school bullies in the embarrassing aftermath of those Dungeons & Dragons protection spells failing. I could be wrong. Still, Viking Answer Lady, I beseech ye — up the irons!
Hat tip: My paymasters at the world’s greatest extreme music magazine, Decibel.
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