Nancy’s nemesis in a nutshell
In a must-read post on how leading Democrats cannot escape the goddess of retributive justice, Nemesis (“related to the Greek word meaning ‘to give what is due’“), Victor Davis Hanson gets at the essence of the coming fall of the Democratic Speaker of the House:
A Nancy Pelosi, hellbent on releasing once-classified memos for partisan advantage, and eager to begin ‘Truth” hearings, suddenly believes such an inquisition will not apply to herself, despite the fact that she, like so many Democrats from Senator Schumer to Senator Rockefeller, in that dark period in 2001, spoke of the need for, or was complicit in, approving enhanced interrogation techniques.
It seemed Democrats were certain to face a fall for their obsession with destroying George W. Bush and discrediting his team even after that good man left office. Nancy overreached and even the Administration is distancing itself from her.
The leading Democrat in the House of Representatives got caught in the web in which she — and her party (as well as their cheerleaders in the MSM and left-wing blogs) — have long been trying to ensnare the former President and his party.
If the Democrats had left well enough alone, bid George W. Bush adieu (and even good riddance) when his term ended just four months ago, they might have been spared seeing the complete embarrassment of the Speaker. Now, the American people will see not just the dishonesty of the woman who just over two years ago promised “the most honest” Congress in history but also the obsession of her team with George W. Bush.
Blaming the former President only goes so far. The more time passes since the end of the term, the more people will see Democratic attacks as an excuse for failing to meet the country’s challenges.
Scapegoating George W. Bush is no way to govern a country.
Crossposted at GayPatriot.
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