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health & medicalreligion & philosophy

Coronavirus wisdom from great philosophers

The unexamined life is not worth living. We need more tests.

That which does not kill you makes you stronger, but you still shouldn’t touch your face.

He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god. Either way, you should maintain quarantine for at least 14 days.

So act that your principle of action might safely be made a law for the whole world. Stay home, you idiots.

The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt. But even I wouldn’t call the Coronavirus a hoax.

I don’t know why we are here, but I’m pretty sure that it is not in order to enjoy ourselves. You might want to cancel your house party.

Attention to health is life’s greatest hindrance. Nothing in the affairs of men is worthy of great anxiety. Let’s go clubbing.

The life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster. So let’s get the economy going and open up those businesses, especially the ones that sell oysters.

Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. That’s it—that’s the quote. This isn’t a joke.

virtual children by Scott Warnock

World hand, my hand

I’m fortunate to have two hands, and for a long time I’ve had a simple, straightforward policy for them: World hand, my hand. [Read more →]

educationvirtual children by Scott Warnock

Higher ed’s preparations for remote instruction

Concerns about COVID-19 are widespread. I am not an epidemiologist, so I will not make any predictions, but different sectors/segments of our culture will be tested, if not by the thing itself than certainly by the “infodemic” surrounding it. [Read more →]

sportsvirtual children by Scott Warnock

(Not quite) the deepest cut

I’ve been involved with wrestling since 1982, so you can imagine that I’m enjoying that my son is having a good sophomore high school season. It didn’t start out that way, though, and the journey through it reminded me that at times, you gotta get out of the way. [Read more →]