Really? Rain?
Posted on November 12th, 2018 by Jeff McDonald
I have always thought that our votes for those who would lead our nation would come with expectations we, the people, have about how they would strive to respect the trust we place in them, through their words and their actions.
Perhaps we should expect less of them?
This occurred to me as I read of the latest ‘Trumpesty’ … apparently a scheduled visit by our President to a cemetery in France, part of an international observance of the 100th anniversary of Armistice Day and the end of World War I, was called on account of rain.
Really? Rain?
Of course, representatives of President Trump have pointed out the insurmountable obstacles that confronted them … the danger of flying him out there by helicopter, the disruption that would ensue if they drove him the 50 miles-or-so from Paris to the cemetery, blah-blah-blah.
I guess we should thank our lucky stars that so many others – including several leaders of other nations – were able to make it out to similar sites that day without aerial mishap, without devastating disruption to local communities.
A disclaimer, though … this is a particular ‘Trumpesty’ about which I – a military brat and the son of a career Marine – cannot be objective. There are countless military cemeteries around the world … but this was one – Aisne-Marne American Cemetery – that holds a special place in the history, the legend of the United States Marine Corps.
Google “Battle Belleau Wood” and you’ll see what I mean …
In 1918, the Washington Post’s Alex Horton wrote, earlier today, “A brigade of Marines joined two Army divisions in the closing months of the war and fought brutal hand-to-hand combat in the wood, occasionally contending with swirling poison gas. The Germans sent numerous waves in a failed attempt to dislodge the Marines during the battle, which lasted nearly a month.”
“Four days after the German withdrawal, the French 6th Army issued an order renaming Belleau Wood ‘Bois de la Brigade de Marine.’”
“German troops nicknamed Marines ‘Teufel hunden — devil dogs. The name stuck. Bulldogs have become the mascot of the Corps.”
Is it me, or does their courage, their sacrifice, receive more credit from France – and even the enemy at the time, Germany – than it does today from the President of the United States? But there WERE some, this weekend, who were mindful of what took place 100 years ago, and honored those who fought in that terrible conflict.

(AP Photo by Francois Mori)
In his article, Horton points out that “Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and White House Chief of Staff John F. Kelly visited the cemetery on Saturday — a day and a place layered with deep significance to U.S. military history.”
“Saturday was the Marine Corps’ 243rd birthday, and the men — both Marines — walked the cemetery on the edge of Belleau Wood, which quickly became central to Marine lore after the 1918 battle.”
Thank you, gentlemen … and God bless you both!
Semper Fidelis!
There's a saying around here, something like, "I wasn't born in Texas, but I got here as fast as I could!" That's me. I'm a 'dang Yankee from back-east' who settled in the Lone Star State after some extended stays in the eastern U.S., and New Mexico. I worked as an archaeologist for a few years before dusting off my second major in English, and embarking on a 25-year career in journalism. Since then, I've embraced the dark side of the force, and now work in PR for a community college in Midland, Texas.
Latest posts by Jeff McDonald (Posts)
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- … the day before THE DAY … - April 20, 2019
- Really? Rain? - November 12, 2018
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