Bill O’Reilly’s top ten good things about slavery
10. When they were building the White House, they were “well fed”
9. They “had decent lodgings provided by the government”
8. Many of them got a free sea cruise before arriving in America
7. They didn’t have to pay income taxes
6. Their cramped overcrowded lodgings encouraged cameraderie
5. Frequently, owners would deign to have sex with them
4. Their situation led to the creation of many deeply moving Negro spirituals; which led to the creation of blues, jazz, and boogie-woogie; which led to the creation of rock and roll
3. Free on-the-job training
2. They got to spend time in our nation’s capital
1. They were finally safe from lions, hyenas, cheetahs and elephants
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.