Added to my e-bookshelf … “Downtime”
In her book “Downtime,” Cynthia Fleece offers us a love story and a science fiction story … maybe it’s the guy in me, but I wish there could have been a little more ‘science’ in the story. [Read more →]
In her book “Downtime,” Cynthia Fleece offers us a love story and a science fiction story … maybe it’s the guy in me, but I wish there could have been a little more ‘science’ in the story. [Read more →]
I probably shouldn’t say this because of my chosen path in life, which includes being a parent, educator, and school board member, but I hate graduation ceremonies, or as they are known in a doublespeak kind of way, commencements. And you probably do too — admit it! [Read more →]
As I sit down to review S.J. Smith’s “The House of Fox,” I have in mind a line one hears in televised cooking competitions, where the judge has sampled a contestant’s offering and says something to the effect of ‘I admire your conception, but your execution left a lot to be desired.’
That’s exactly how I feel after finishing “The House of Fox.” [Read more →]
10. The Cat With The Gat
9. Duck Duck Goose…No Duck!!
8. Goodnight, Moon – Click, Click, BOOM!
7. Bazooka Joe
6. Charlie and the Munitions Factory
5. The Lion, the Witch, and the War Cannon
4. Where the Wild Things Were
3. Cloudy with a Chance of Shrapnel
2. One Fish Two Fish Dead Fish Stew Fish
1. The Wizard of Uzi
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
For my part in the Presbyterian Church USA’s debate over divestment of church funds from fossil fuel producers (and the vote that will be coming up this week in the bi-annual gathering of PC-USA’s General Assembly) I have suggested more than once that a blanket divestment is NOT the answer. I have recommended an alternative … redirected investment of funds into responsible/moral fossil fuels producers.
WITH RESPECT, AND WITH AN OPENNESS TO DISCUSSION, I want to ask proponents of blanket divestment … what does it REALLY accomplish? Sure, it’s easy to do … and when it’s done, you feel good … but couldn’t you have done so much more? Here are some points to consider, on how you could accomplish ‘so much more’ through redirected investment, rather than blanket divestment … [Read more →]
For my part in the Presbyterian Church USA’s debate over divestment of church funds from fossil fuel producers, I have suggested more than once that a blanket divestment is NOT the answer. I have recommended an alternative … redirected investment of funds into responsible/moral fossil fuels producers. Is there such a thing? I think there is, and I would like to suggest some criteria for that … criteria that could be used by PC-USA’s Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) ministry in deciding – on a case-by-case basis – what to do with the church’s investment funds. [Read more →]
In the Presbyterian Church USA’s debate over divestment of church funds from fossil fuel producers, there are some considerations that are not being presented, especially when it comes to oil and natural gas. Here is one I would like to present. Those who are demanding that we “Keep It in the Ground” may not realize … it’s NOT just oil we’d be keeping in the ground. [Read more →]
10. When you finally make your bed, you find that missing shoe
9. You wipe your feet on the mat before stepping outside
8. You mistook the dust on the windowsills for “gray snow”
7. Even Jehovah’s Witnesses won’t enter your house
6. When somebody asks, “What died in here?” you give them a list
5. When you looked at your shower drain, at first you thought Cousin Itt had drowned
4. Your Glade Plugin has given up the fight
3. This morning, you had to eat your cereal with a measuring spoon out of a Bundt pan
2. Even your dog refuses to eat off the floor
1. Something keeps closing your refrigerator door…from the inside!
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Up until now, I’ve resisted the temptation to comment on “reality television” … but now that genre has hit a little too close to home – quite literally – for me, and I find myself compelled to rear-up on my hind legs, step-up to the keyboard, and put in ‘my two cents.’ [Read more →]
So the U.S. men are shaping up a nice run in the Copa América tournament, but many feel that the men’s overall success in the world scene is still not there. [Read more →]
It’s been more than 75 years, now, since Harry Bates’ short story “Farewell to the Master” closed with the realization of who (or what) truly is ‘the master’ … bringing that story to a satisfying (or unsettling, or both, take your pick) conclusion, and setting readers off on a new path for thoughtful speculation.
Speculation over our control of technology – or its control of us – has fueled many contributions to the genre of science fiction over the years, and Sara Stamey’s “Wild Card Run” is a good addition to that tradition. [Read more →]
10. “Look, they got one of the Teletubbies to host!”
9. “I hope they show Laurie Metcalf hobbling Bruce Willis.”
8. “I mean, do they have to use the full title Shuffle Along, or, the Making of the Musical Sensation of 1921 and All That Followed every single time they mention it?”
7. “I only hope I live long enough to be included in that In Memoriam segment.”
6. “I hear they’re preparing another one of those jukebox musicals like Jersey Boys or Mama Mia! called Blame It On the Rain, based on the music of Milli Vanilli.”
5. “So Barbra Streisand was famous for something besides those Fockers movies?”
4. “I’d much prefer King Charles III to King Donald I.”
3. “I thought they already made King Donald I. It’s called American Psycho.”
2. “In what month is thing scheduled to end?”
1. “I was kinda disappointed in Hamilton, but then I thought it was going to be about Margaret Hamilton, who played the Wicked Witch in The Wizard of Ox.”
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
Consider how Christians might respond to a call for a blanket divestment from Christianity, inspired by a variety of things that have taken place in the past, or are taking place right now … things that had (or have) nothing whatsoever to do with Jesus Christ and the kingdom He proclaimed, yet were done (or are being done) in His name, and in pursuit of a very worldly and wrongful pursuit of His kingdom.
How might Christians respond to such a call? [Read more →]
10. Tripod
9. No Way José
8. Mucilage
7. Parts On Order
6. Save-Your-Money
5. It’s A Grand Old Nag
4. Kevorkian’s Delight
3. Stumblebum
2. Wrong Way Corrigan
1. Bernie Sanders
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.