Top ten things you don’t want to hear at today’s Memorial Day barbecue
10. “If the smoke from the grill gets to be too much, just crack a window.”
9. “Oh, before you eat that potato salad, would you mind signing this waiver?”
8. “Yes, I’m a Jehovah’s Witness! I’m glad you asked!”
7. “Why do all the burgers have long, thin tails?”
6. “Zip up, Uncle Jesse; that’s not how we put out a barbecue!”
5. “These GMO burgers actually glow in the dark!”
4. “Is coleslaw supposed to move?”
3. “Why does my hotdog have a fingernail?”
2. “The grill’s rusted through. Better light the tire.”
1. “Who put mayo on top of all the buns? Oh, wait…. Who moved the picnic table under the tree?”
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.