Drexel Football is an improv group, and that’s fine with me
The Drexel Football Team is an improv group. And I like it that way. [Read more →]
The Drexel Football Team is an improv group. And I like it that way. [Read more →]
10. I’m out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.
9. I don’t suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute.
8. I may be a schizophrenic, but at least I have each other.
7. “I’m having trouble finding myself,” Waldo said to his psychiatrist.
6. My uncle found a new cure for Tourette’s. He swears by it.
5. I was just hugged and then mauled by a bipolar bear.
4. The hardest part about going to Hypochondriacs Anonymous is admitting you don’t have a problem.
3. I’m not crazy, I’m a lover. That’s why I’m in a jacket that lets me hug myself.
2. Insanity means never having to say, “I’m guilty.”
1. I try not to limit my madness to March.
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
10. I have a mental disorder where I have to make everything sound mysterious….Or do I?
9. Do you suspect you have schizophrenia? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
8. I phoned the paranoia help line, but I had to hang up after 59 seconds because I’m sure they were trying to trace the call.
7. Schizophrenia – Together I can beat it!
6. Kleptomaniacs always take things literally.
5. I think I speak for everyone when I say I have multiple personality disorder.
4. We’ll be attending the National Schizophrenia Convention. Anybody who’s everybody will be there.
3. Nowadays, anger management courses are all the rage.
2. I used to have super powers, but my psychiatrist took them all away.
1. I try to stay in touch with reality but, lately, it hasn’t been returning my calls.
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
This is my eighth year as head coach of Palmyra Jr. Wrestling. We have a great group of people who coach, administer, and care for the club. It’s a youth sport for 40 or so wrestlers, but it’s also a community of parents and friends. This position has been a big part of my life for nearly a decade. As I’ve written in this very space, much of youth coaching involves working with parents (and working with yourself). I take that seriously. Below is the 2015-16 version — slightly edited — of a letter I’ve sent out each year to our parents before our first match. It’s my effort to talk about what youth sports mean to me and how wrestling parents can help their young athletes. [Read more →]
10. Where the Wild Things Aren’t
9. The Sated Caterpillar
8. White and Yellow Eggs and Ham
7. The Cat in the Fur
6. The Little Engine that Couldn’t
5. Cloudy with a Chance of Rain
4. Alice’s Adventures in Bayonne
3. There’s Waldo
2. Alexander and the Average, Tolerable, Fairly Good, Not So Bad Day
1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Commerce
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.
10. I resolve to finally give up trying to lose weight, and instead will just grow six inches taller
9. I resolve to finally find Waldo
8. I resolve to become a doctor, and then change my last name to “Acula”
7. I resolve not to sit at my computer all day (I’m writing this standing up)
6. I resolve to think of another password for my computer besides ‘password’
5. I resolve to buy a t-shirt that says “LIFE” on it, then stand on a street corner and hand out lemons to passersby
4. I resolve to keep my ambitions within reach
3. I resolve to finally bring an end to war
2. I resolve, this year, to keep all my resolutions to myself
1. I resolve to limit my number of resolutions to nine
Bob Sullivan’s Top Ten Everything appears every Monday.